Boeing Frontiers
October 2002 
Volume 01, Issue 06 
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Cover Story

Building the 21st century WORK FORCE

Boeing offers a myriad of training, educational and career-broadening opportunities to help employees stay employable over a lifetime


When was the last time you were in a bank?" It's a question that frequently comes up when Laurette Koellner, Boeing chief People and Administration officer, Office of the Chairman, addresses employee meetings and leadership training sessions.

The point: how the introduction of new technology and processes — in this case the automatic teller machine and Internet banking — can rapidly revolutionize even the most established, regimented industry. According to Koellner, many people can't remember when they last conducted a banking transaction with a human teller.

CASS WEAVER ILLUSTRATIONIndeed, the move to ATM-based banking is a microcosmic example of the fast-moving, seismic changes transforming the business world today. Major social, economic, technological and demographic forces are touching all of us — at work, at home and during our leisure hours.

In particular, these changes are affecting the way we perform our jobs and how we will work in the future at Boeing.

Exciting work ahead

So what might the workplace — and workforce — of the future look like? We don't know, exactly, but it's likely to be very different, said Chairman and CEO Phil Condit. He believes Boeing will remain a good place to work. He's predicted the aerospace industry will be every bit as exciting in the 21st Century as it was in the 20th.

Advances in information technology are adding a major new dimension to the workplace, Condit said. For instance, complex products now are pre-assembled digitally, and shop floor work instructions come directly from a computer. Ubiquitous, highly accurate voice-recognition systems could mean that we no longer have to type and are less dependent on our desktop and laptop computers. Many people won't have the clerical chore of inputting data any more, because tomorrow's integrated systems all will talk to each other.

These and other advances will reshape jobs at almost all levels of Boeing, Condit said, although how and to what extent is unclear. For instance, aided by a steady flow of accurate electronic information from Boeing News Now and other sources, managers will be free to do more coaching and spend less time passing along routine company-wide communications to their direct reports.

Workers at all levels will be teaming and collaborating more, across departments, across business units and likely even among different continents. Better electronic tools will be introduced to help the collaboration process, so employees can see what all other members of their team are working on in real time, whether it's an article for Boeing Frontiers or a new airplane, Condit said.

Not your parents' workforce

To meet changing workforce needs, Boeing is focusing on better preparing its existing employees with the skills, experience and knowledge they need to participate — and prosper — in the 21st century work environment.

"Skills are a competitive advantage," said Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management and executive director of MIT's Lean Aerospace Initiative. "The old social contract was 'if you come to work regularly and follow the rules, we'll continue to employ you'" in the same job. "That contract has been shattered over the past 10 years" by global competition and other factors, he said. "Now companies are saying 'we can't guarantee to continue your job, but if you continue to build your skills, we can continue to employ you,'" he said.

Although the U.S. aerospace industry has far to go in establishing the mechanisms to instill this culture, "there's a clear advantage when people learn skills that will keep them employable over a lifetime, and for an employer to have a workforce that is current and capable," Cutcher-Gershenfeld said.

Boeing is off to a strong start. "The company's 'contract' with the employee is no longer lifelong employment, but rather lifelong employability," said Mike Sears, chief financial officer, Office of the Chairman.

Simply stated, lifelong employability is a strategy whereby the company and individual employees jointly plan new training, education and work assignments to upgrade the employee's skill and experience levels continuously.

Although Boeing provides the tools, means and opportunities for employees, it is the individual's responsibility to take action, Condit said.

Fastest-growing occupationsSuccessfully applied, the lifetime employability strategy yields Boeing a more capable, experienced, adaptable and well-rounded worker. But more importantly, the practice is a major plus for the individual employee — increasing his or her stature in the current job while boosting job satisfaction. It also enhances an employee's eligibility for promotions and opportunity for moves to more desirable jobs within the company. This is so even if the employee remains on a single career path, such as that of an engineer or scientist.

Indeed, Boeing today is such a broad-based enterprise that its employees "can have multiple careers over their work life without ever having to leave the company," Koellner said. "You can work on commercial airplanes, military products, space products, advanced technology or in finance." Employees can work in virtually any region of the United States and — increasingly — internationally, she said.

While Boeing seeks to retain its workers, the lifelong employability concept also helps provide employees with transferable skills, increasing their "marketability" for other jobs inside — and even outside — the company should an economic downturn occur.

Change for the good

Job forecasts make a compelling case for employees continually upgrading their job skills. As Boeing transitions from an exclusively product-focused hardware supplier to an agile, balanced aerospace company with integrated systems capabilities, it is estimated to create a gross total of 200,000 'new' equivalent jobs over the next 10 years, to be filled from both internal and external talent sources. Overall, the U.S. economy is forecast to add approximately 20 million jobs in the decade ending in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And that doesn't count the millions of new jobs projected in other countries over the same time period.

However, manufacturing employment is projected to increase only three percent between 2000 and 2010, although from a larger base, according to BLS figures.

More than half of the job growth over this same period will be in professional and service occupations, predicts the authoritative Workplace Forecast for 2002-2003, published by the Society of Human Resource Managers, which uses BLS statistics.

Although low-paying service jobs will represent the lion's share of the total, demand will be greatest for the highly paid professional, or "knowledge" occupations, SHRM said. Eight of the 10 fastest-growing occupations are anticipated to be in information technology. All but two of the 50 highest-paying jobs will require a college degree.

The growing skills shortage is best illustrated by a Hudson Institute survey, "Workforce 2020: Work and Workers in the 21st Century." It indicates that by 2020, 60 percent of jobs will require skills that only 20 percent of today's population now has.

Learning for life

One of the best ways employees can improve their knowledge is by taking advantage of the company's Learning Together tuition reimbursement program, Condit said. Learning Together pays 100 percent of the cost of coursework on any subject from regionally, nationally or selected professionally accredited schools or universities, whether it relates to the employee's job or not. To qualify for the reimbursement, courses must be attended on personal time and result in college credits or Continuing Education Units.

The company values learning so highly that it spent $87 million on tuition, books and certain required expenses for the Learning Together program in 2001, according to Koellner. It is an investment the company is continuing even in a year of reduced revenues for the company. "It was never suggested by anyone [on the Board of Directors or senior Boeing management] that we cut this investment," she said. Through Learning Together, "This company has the most competitive tuition reimbursement policy that I've ever seen, anywhere," she said.

Last year, 30,000 Boeing employees participated in the Learning Together program. They earned 1,900 degrees.

A key aim of the Learning Together program is to promote the practice of "lifelong learning," also called "continuous learning," by Boeing workers. Employees used to learn basic skills in school that served them throughout their career, Condit said. Today, it's important to be learning continuously because major changes are taking place inside the course of a career, he said. Continuous learning adds knowledge and expands individuals' understanding and their capability throughout their life, he said. It also engages them, stimulates new thinking, and helps bring diversity of thought to the workplace.

Abayomi Sylvester and Patti Fetz"A willingness to evolve and continue to learn is more than critical; it is crucial," Koellner said. "In the coming years, the application and adoption of technology will grow exponentially," she said.

Other Boeing educational opportunities include the Boeing Leadership Center, located outside St. Louis. It offers courses covering the management spectrum, from beginning managers to executives at the most senior level. The Leadership Center's annual budget is approximately $30 million, Koellner said.

Training for tomorrow

Boeing offers thousands of training courses ranging from industrial skills and certification programs to computing and business awareness. This training is delivered in classrooms; at the desktop as self-paced instruction that can be Web-based, computer-based or paper-based; or through televised classes on the Boeing Education Network. Curricula offerings and course schedules can be viewed at: (Employees also may check with their regional Training organization coordinator for course offerings.)

Overall, Boeing has approximately 1,000 training professionals and is estimated to have an annual training budget exceeding $300 million. In February, Minneapolis-based Training Magazine ranked the company 15th in its Top 100 companies for employee training in the U.S. The survey evaluated more than 1,000 companies whose core business is not training.

Boeing makes new opportunities visible companywide through the Boeing Enterprise Staffing System, a Web-based hiring support system developed and administered by the Shared Services People team. Also known as Jobs@Boeing, the system processed more than 92,000 internal and external resumes during April, its first full month of operation. That's a pace that would result in more than 1.1 million resumes this year.

The highly automated BESS process streamlines the hiring cycle, making it as easy as possible for Boeing to expediently hire top quality internal and external candidates. One of its most popular features is its ability to establish job-preference profiles that automatically notify job seekers of matching employment openings.

Each day, more than 17,000 people look for opportunities at Boeing, both internally and externally, and BESS sends more than 1,700 e-mails alerting individuals to Boeing jobs they might be interested in.

Idea incubator

The Chairman's Innovation Initiative also offers an opportunity for employees to expand their horizons under a unique program sponsored by Phil Condit. Launched two years ago, this program is designed to foster an entrepreneurial spirit within the company by creating and supporting new business activities based on ideas from employees. Essentially, CII provides an opportunity for employees to generate, develop and implement new businesses.

Managed by Boeing Ventures, the program seeks to unleash the innovative talent of employees. The ultimate goal is creating new "spin-off" ventures and "spin-ins" back into Boeing business units.

CII provides employees with the tools and support to help them take their ideas for a new business from concept to reality. Innovators identify a market need, build a team, proceed through several iterations to develop a business concept and a plan to launch a business to satisfy that unmet need. They develop the idea, build on it and eventually become a part of it, as plans that are accepted and continue through the process are financed and supported with the ultimate goal of creating a new business.

Throughout the process, CII surrounds innovators with a support infrastructure to help them attain their goals. As an idea moves from concept to business plan, CII offers expert advice, training, networking events, educational seminars, financial support and other key resources. The support network also includes mentors — business generalists who act as coaches on strategy, finance and marketing issues.

Boeing also provides innovators with office space to incubate their ideas, as well as access to subject matter and functional experts. CII has Innovation Resource Centers that offer help for innovators developing business concepts.

Women in the workforce"Business-building, by definition, is a synthesis of multiple skills — from accounting to marketing, from strategy to finance," said Boeing Ventures Vice President Anil Shrikhande. "As they proceed through the review phases of the CII program, these innovators are continually learning new skills and developing business acumen as they wrestle with the rough-and-tumble of market dynamics."

Right moves

Lateral moves, too, offer great opportunities for employees to build and add to their toolkit of skills and experience, according to Koellner. Indeed, these can be "some of the best opportunities within a company," she said.

"When an employee is offered a lateral move, that's somebody saying to them: 'We have enough confidence in you that we believe that you can perform in an entirely different role that we haven't seen you perform in before,'" Koellner said.

Once people see you operate and demonstrate skills in more than one role, you by definition become more employable, as they are able to think of you for other roles as well, she said.

Koellner can testify firsthand to the value of lateral moves. She left a Boeing job in Florida to take a new job which also required uprooting and relocating her family. Although to many it appeared she moved to a job with a narrow range of responsibilities, it turned out "to be a jumping off point for a whole new set of future moves, many of which were lateral and provided experience and opportunities that were invaluable," she said.

International options

Within the changing global landscape, current Boeing employees can benefit by working overseas and acquiring valuable experience, said Tom Pickering, senior vice president of International Relations. In turn, Boeing benefits from international workers who bring their diverse perspectives and ideas to the company.

Pickering is working with Michael Valliere, vice president Compensation, Benefits and Succession Planning, and his team at the World Headquarters People organization, to establish an international job-exchange program for both Boeing executives and non-executives. While there will be limited numbers of such opportunities, in such a program, employees with similar job functions would trade locations for a definite time, helping each better understand global business — as well as their roles within Boeing's worldwide enterprise.

Today and into the future, Pickering said, it's imperative that employees develop the in-depth global business knowledge and cultural sensitivities that lead to profitable working relationships in countries around the world.

"For our managers and executives, as we increasingly look at our manufacturing and sales opportunities as having a worldwide scope, they will [need to] understand how to do business in a non-American environment, where the approaches of doing business are very different," Pickering said.

Higher education partnership

Boeing also is taking a hard look at how it can best attract, develop and retain the generation of workers that will be entering the workforce over the next two decades, and the skills and tools they will be needing.

Key drivers for 2002 Employee Satisfation IndexOne avenue is the company's continuing support of education.

Approximately 40 percent of The Boeing Company's total philanthropy is in the area of education, including more than $8 million each year in charitable investments to institutions of higher education. Boeing focuses these investments toward colleges and universities with a goal of developing intellectual talent and promoting academic achievement. This relationship fosters education, training and learning opportunities for the current and future work force. It also helps provide faculty fellowships, student internships and scholarships.

All told, Boeing donates to more than 200 schools and matches employee giving to a total of more than 800. It supplements this with Boeing volunteers on campus, along with technology, equipment and intellectual-property donations.

But, the volume of aerospace degrees U.S. colleges and universities award is on the decline. In 1991, they had awarded almost 4,100 undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees in aerospace. By 2000, that figure had decreased to only 2,175, MIT's Cutcher-Gershenfeld said.

To combat this trend, Boeing is starting earlier in its quest to interest young people in math and sciences, Condit said. "Decisions get made relatively early. ... We've got to be in the grammar schools talking about the excitement of engineering, about the exciting things that we do," Condit said. "And we've got to be using the things kids look at every day. Whether it's a video game or a toy, there's a lot of engineering in there."

Although the competition for talented recruits likely will intensify in the future, currently Boeing seems to be holding its own. A June poll of more than 6,000 undergraduate engineering and science students identified Boeing as the No. 1 company for which to work, an increase from No. 5 last year. The Universum Undergraduate Survey also showed highly sought-after information-technology students ranked the company among the top 25 companies for whom they'd like to work.

Another Boeing new-hire thrust is "hiring for attitude." Adopted from a pioneering program at Southwest Airlines, this hiring strategy takes the approach that if you hire people with the right attitude, they can do just about anything, said Linda Sawin, manager, Shared Services Group Assessment Services.

In this process, five to six structured interview questions, focusing on desired personality attributes, are developed in consultation with top executives of the hiring organization. Results allow an apples-to-apples comparison of candidates interviewed through this process, Sawin said.

The program has top-level support at Boeing. Initially used in the hiring process for the Air Traffic Management business unit and Boeing World Headquarters in Chicago, the strategy "is really paying off," Koellner said. In the future, "we intend to hire as much for attitude as we do for capability," Condit said.

Future Boeing employees will have to be flexible and adaptable. They will face a business environment that is constantly changing and more ambiguous, said Cheryl Park, director of Organizational Development for Boeing World Headquarters. Leadership skills are going to become even more critical, and leaders will need to develop and follow a concrete vision in the midst of this ambiguity. These leaders also will have to build good communications skills and have the ability to inspire trust throughout dispersed teams.

A significant part of tomorrow's job at Boeing, said Park, will involve the ability to distinguish meaningful information from reams of data — and having the wisdom, experience, intuition and guts to do so.


No one can predict exactly how Boeing jobs and the workplace will change over the next two decades. But if there's one thing certain in life, it's change. As Koellner points out: "Just look at how much our company has changed in the past five years. There's no reason to think that it won't change that much in the next five years."

Teaching change at the Leadership Center

The Boeing Leadership Center's goal is to provide and facilitate an environment in which the company's current and future leaders can develop the skills they need to be effective today. But how is the Center ensuring that this team is well-prepared to blaze trails into the future?

By being flexible and adaptable to change.

Leadership CenterFlexibility and adaptability are not only required traits for Boeing leaders — but for the Leadership Center, as well. Mike Sleight, the Center's director of Programs, said his goal is to be able to develop and implement new curricula within 90 days. In the past, such turnaround could take one year. It's all about creating "demand-driven" programs that meet the immediate challenges faced by the Boeing enterprise, he said.

The center opened as a performance-oriented business and leadership development center for Boeing leaders more than three years ago.

"Given the pace of change in the industry and the world," Sleight said, successful corporations will develop "the ability to learn very quickly. The focus is moving toward how quickly we can learn and assimilate information."

That's why the Center's curriculum experts now use a "surgical team model, or one that can apply the right resources when they're needed," said Sleight. That means learning material can be developed rapidly with input from Boeing business units, logistics and technology experts, and outside consultants who specialize in key subjects.

And that free flow of information needs to focus simultaneously on both the present and the future.

"We need to be running healthy businesses now — and we do need to pay attention to what's coming," said Stephen Mercer, the Center's vice president of Learning and Leadership Development. "If you're not looking up, the train's going to hit you.

"We're in a business that's in a very long cycle. We need to anticipate or lead where things are going in the future, so we can be there ahead of our competitors."

And that's where bringing the larger Boeing "enterprise" into the Center comes in. The goal, Mercer said, is "to create the future together with our customers and partners and suppliers. We have to speak a common language and [have a] shared understanding of where things are going, and where we want to take them."

And by learning together in Leadership Center classrooms and programs, Mercer said, these teams will build the personal bonds so critical to success in many cultures around the globe.

"Building relationships helps you build business," he said. Mercer hopes that by the end of 2003, non-Boeing people will comprise 20 percent of Center participants.

What else is likely to be different five to 10 years from now?

While the Center's Global Leadership Program and International Consortium help participants better understand globalization and its impact on the company's business, such emphasis will become even more critical.

"More and more people are waking up to the fact that the world is becoming an integrated market," Mercer said. "Understanding service businesses is going to be a big issue for Boeing going forward."

Despite the Center's focus on managers and executives, Sleight believes these leaders must develop the tools to share these learnings with their teams back at the workplace.

"The globalization focus will continue," Sleight said, "and understanding needs to be broadly disseminated, so [all employees] know what's happening globally."

Network-centric technology — especially as applied by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems — will migrate into other parts of the company, Mercer believes.

Also, Sleight said, "We're moving toward more of an intellectual capability business. That's going to require a different type of leadership."

Change won't come only in the subject matter covered at the Leadership Center, but in the ways such information is delivered.

"In the future, we're going to be doing things more virtually and on the Web," Mercer said, "but it's not a replacement for face-to-face learning." Also, company leaders will learn to deal with a far more mobile workforce, one that must be managed from afar.

Ultimately, Mercer said, "That's what we're trying to get our people to think about — where our businesses are going, and how we position them to be preemi-nent in the future."

Maureen Jenkins

Assignment: Spain

Nancy Tidwell Nancy Tidwell's Boeing work isn't just a job. It's a cross-cultural adventure.

Tidwell, a former accounting manager at Connexion by Boeing, currently is assigned to the Boeing Research & Technology Center in Madrid, Spain, as a business manager. Tidwell received an e-mail about the newly created position last September and was interviewed in October. By January, she was living and working in Spain — a country she had never visited before accepting the job.

"The way I looked at this opportunity was that it was a no-lose situation," said Tidwell, a 17-year Boeing employee who spent most of her career in Puget Sound. After all, said Tidwell, she's doing a job where she's "learning all kinds of things that would grow my experience. And personally, what a great opportunity to see Europe."

Tidwell is building a skill set that will long outlast her 18-month-to-two-year assignment in Madrid. Besides handling finance, human resources, and facilities issues for the new R&T Center, Tidwell is learning about contracts and procurement. She's discovering how to navigate Spanish business law and paperwork. And she's also charged with hiring and training a locally hired deputy who will take over her business manager duties once her assignment is done.

Beyond the global business knowledge she's developing, Tidwell says one of the most valuable skills she's acquired is "understanding the impact of dealing with people from different cultures. You don't understand it until you live it."

American 'minorities'

American 'minorities'

The changing 'face' of Boeing

Changing demographic shifts are certain to affect the ethnic composition of Boeing's workforce over the next two decades.

Populations are growing at a high rate in the developing world but are stable or decreasing in the developed world, with the populations of Japan and Western Europe actually decreasing, according to the authoritative "Workplace Forecast: A Strategic Outlook 2002-03" by the Society of Human Relations Managers.

In the United States, where the majority of Boeing's operations are located, Hispanics will become the largest ethnic minority by 2005. Although much smaller in absolute numbers, the Asian American population will continue strong growth, according to SHRM, which uses U.S. Census Bureau data. Asian Americans were the fastest growing ethnic segment of the U.S. in the 1990s, increasing 63 percent during the decade.

Caucasians are in the minority in Hawaii and New Mexico. Fifty U.S. cities and the state of California have no clear majority ethnic population group, SHRM said. Texas will join this category by 2005. Today, one in every four residents of California was born outside the United States, according to American Demographics.

Connexion by Boeing will need new workplace skills

Connexion by Boeing will have a workforce in the near future that bears little resemblance to a traditional Boeing workforce. That's because Connexion will take Boeing across the uncharted frontier of direct consumer sales, marketing and customer care as it brings inflight Internet, data and entertainment services to passengers and airplane operators.

"Connexion by Boeing will be driven by point-of-purchase sales, in which a customer makes the decision to buy, Connexion receives the revenue, and access to the service occurs within seconds," according to Joe Shaheen, director of Operational Services.

Within 10 years, we expect to be serving passengers on 4,000 jetliners worldwide. This level of service activity, operating 24 hours a day every day of the year, will create millions of data records that will be processed at e-business-type speed."

Shaheen said Connexion must acquire expertise in customer support, business intelligence, mobile network management on a global scale and customer service.

"We'll need people who know how to create 'pull' in a consumer market, who can secure corporate accounts, and who can take dynamic data about performance and usage and transform it to create solutions, enhance service and grow the business," he said.

Because of Connexion by Boeing's global nature, it will require a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week service-delivery network and service support operation.

Boeing grant targets wireless workplace

In 2002, while a college junior is marking a 21st birthday anniversary, someone else might note the IBM PC also entered the world in 1981. Three years later, Apple debuted the Mac. Just three years after that, cellular telephones first became visible in the marketplace — when this year's 21-year-old was just a child of six.

A whole generation thus has grown up without remembering a time when computers were not in the home or when telephones had to have wires. These young adults use computers and mobile phones in every aspect of their daily life. Their influence on the workplace they are about to enter will be radical and lasting. The Boeing Wireless Classroom of the Future, now being built at Washington State University, represents one way in which the company is working to mentor a future workforce that has literally grown up with connectivity.

On May 29, Connexion by Boeing President Scott Carson presented a $99,000 Boeing Company check to WSU officials during a ceremony in front of Connexion One, the Connexion by Boeing test aircraft, at Boeing Field in Seattle. The Boeing Wireless Classroom is being built at Todd Hall on the university's Pullman, Wash., campus.

The new classroom will be unlike any that have preceded it. Forty wireless computing devices — such as handheld, notebook and tablet computers — will be bundled with a wireless network infrastructure that runs throughout the room at the WSU College of Business and Economics. Instead of desks and blackboards, there will be sectional sofas, beanbag chairs, conference and drafting tables, as well as a digital whiteboard, a video conferencing system, and a computer projection system.

The classroom is seen as a way of nurturing future business leaders who will use broadband technologies such as Connexion by Boeing, and as a way of thanking a university that educated 17 of the employees serving the new business unit, including several of the engineers who are helping to develop the Connexion by Boeing system.

"Supporting this WSU effort to expand the uses of wireless broadband is a natural fit for us," said Carson, a 1972 WSU business administration alumnus who is also the executive liaison between The Boeing Company and WSU. "We are committed to education. Boeing is targeting its contribution money in the areas where it can have the greatest impact."

"We are tremendously excited about the new wireless classroom," said Len Jessup, dean of the WSU College of Business and Economics. "It will take wireless learning to the next level."

Jack Arends; Ellen de Graffenreid contributing

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