June 2008
Volume 07, Issue 02
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special features

'A new world'

A network-enabled air traffic management system could let representatives from U.S. agencies that use different computer systems simultaneously see key information in time-sensitive situations such as disaster-relief scenarios. Boeing has had a hand in developing the architecture that could enable these interagency connections.


'A new world' Thomas Goertel photo

Let's talk it over

Alternative Dispute Resolution, a Boeing process to resolve disputes between employees and managers quickly and amicably, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Among ADR’s many benefits: quicker resolution of issues, reduced costs, fewer employee complaints to external agencies and improved morale.


Let's talk it over Jim Coley photo

Protecting what's ours

Earlier this decade, two Boeing laptops containing unencrypted personally identifiable information—data that can be used to identify, contact or locate an individual—were stolen. Since then Boeing has taken a number of corrective actions to safeguard PII and to mitigate the loss of PII from the stolen laptops.


Protecting what's ours

A flight of hope

Boeing, China's Shenzen Airlines and relief agencies recently collaborated on an important mission: coordinating the air shipment and delivery of much-needed supplies to assist people affected by the recent tragic earthquake in China.


A flight of hope Alan Marts photo