June 2006 
Volume 05, Issue 2  
Around Boeing

Second 767 for Japan tanker program rolls out

the second KC-767 Tanker for Japan rolling out of the Boeing factory in Everett, Wash.The 767 destined to become the second KC-767 Tanker for Japan rolled out of the Boeing factory in Everett, Wash., in late April. After being painted and undergoing final functional testing and flight test, the airplane will begin an extensive modification program that will transform it into an aerial refueling tanker.

"As each milestone is accomplished, we know we are another step closer to having the KC-767 Tankers in service," said Maj. Kenji Nagatomo, liaison officer for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

The first tanker for Japan will be delivered later this year.

BBJ adds 6 new orders, considers new version

The Boeing Business Jets program last month said it won six new orders, increasing total program sales to 108 airplanes.

According to the BBJ program, the new orders came from regions around the globe including Southeast Asia and Europe. Most customers of BBJ models, which are derivatives of Next-Generation 737-700 and 737-800 airplanes, choose to remain anonymous, which is typical in these types of private business dealings.

"The continued sales momentum of the BBJ reflects the value customers place on the airplane's range capability, its industry-leading reliability and its spacious cabin," said BBJ President Steven Hill.

Hill also said the program is considering the development of a convertible cargo airplane based on the commercial Next-Generation 737-700C (Convertible). This version would allow operators to alternate between passenger and cargo layouts.

The decision to explore the possible new BBJ family member is based on a firm order from a BBJ customer for a 737-700C. Hill said a decision to offer the new version could be made before the end of the year.

Boeing printer integration program launches

The Boeing team responsible for more than 31,000 network printers has launched a companywide printer integration program to provide better and more consistent service and support for networked printers.

During June, the team members will fan out to make a physical inventory of all the imaging devices at larger Boeing sites in the United States. The changes directly align with the Boeing companywide growth and productivity initiatives.

"We're applying Lean service principles to this huge network of devices," said Earl Beauvais, director of Print, Plot and Scan, the Shared Services Group organization that's responsible for Boeing's network printers. "It will let us manage all these resources as one integrated network, resulting in better overall performance."

Beauvais said the transition may be subtle at first. While many people will not notice an immediate change, Beauvais said he believes most people will soon begin seeing benefits to the way their printers are serviced. "And as the plan is fully implemented," Beauvais added, "they will see new options to streamline printing work flow in their offices and shops."

"There is also significant savings when we focus on the total cost of ownership of the printers and bundle the many existing contracts into one," said Jim Wigfall, SSG vice president of Supplier Management. "This is the type of innovative breakthrough the company is encouraging through the companywide initiatives."

IAM promotions
No promotions listed for periods ending April 28, May 12 and May 19. The period ending May 5 included the following promotion: Orgn: GG-GG-PCEM; PLOC: Renton, Wash.; Job no.: 41908, Shift: 2; Sen. date: 05/04/89; Clr. date: 05/02/06

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