June 2006 
Volume 05, Issue 2  
Letters to the Editor

A magazine for all?

May Frontiers coverI am concerned that despite all the efforts made throughout Boeing to encourage teamwork, Boeing Frontiers is falling into the same pattern that the old Boeing News exhibited.

Look at all the back issues of Boeing Frontiers and see who gets their picture published. It's always the directors and vice-presidents of whatever department is featured in a story—and seldom the workers who make things happen.

Take the April 2006 issue. I happen to know a couple of the VPs and directors pictured in it, from either having worked for them or with them. They're very competent managers at whatever they do, but those pictures! They are terrible for the content and the posturing. Neither of those folks would or indeed should be trying to pretend they know one iota about what's going on with the parts and paper they appear so avidly to be studying. So for goodness sake, keep them out of the pictures and let the workers have a fleeting moment of glory with whatever they have achieved.

--Bill Proud, Pulaski, Tenn.

Editor's note: We at Boeing Frontiers aim to quote and show photos of employees from all levels.

Kudos for Micky

I just read your article on Micky Axton (Historical Perspective, May 2006). What a wonderful piece of writing, and what a unique lady. I had the opportunity to attend the opening of the Museum of Flight's Courage Wing in June 2004 in Seattle. A number of former Women Airforce Service Pilots were in attendance. I think I spent more time talking to them than I did to the World War II fighter aces. Courage is such a simple word to describe these women.

--Thomas Powell, Everett, Wash.

'747' at 7:47

I work in Everett, Wash., the home of the Boeing 747. My wife Shannon and I had our first child on Feb. 14, a son we named Keith. The weeks before his birth, we joked about that it would be funny if he were born at 7:37, 7:47, or 7:57. We did an at-home birth with a midwife. Since I was catching him when he was born, the last thing I was watching was the clock.

About 15 minutes after Keith was born, my mother-in-law said to me, "Well, you got your 747!" I couldn't believe it and said, "No way. He was really born at 7:47? That's too funny!"

Shortly after, Keith was weighed. He was large, at 9 pounds, 6 ounces. Since the 747 is Boeing's largest commercial plane and Keith was so big, many people have gotten a good laugh from this.

After telling the birth time and weight to one friend of mine, who happens to be a pilot, he remarked, "Man, he is a 747!"

--Josh Peterson, Everett, Wash.

Seeking Lunar Orbiter teammates

On Aug. 10, 1966, Boeing entered the Space Age with the launch of Lunar Orbiter I. On Aug. 23, Lunar Orbiter took the first photo of Earth from deep space. That spacecraft and four more that followed proceeded to photograph the moon in one of the most successful space programs ever launched.

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of that first mission, Lunar Orbiter Program veterans will hold a reunion at the Museum of Flight in Seattle on Aug. 22. Reservations will be required for attendance. We are trying to locate as many people as possible who worked on the program.

For further information and to make reservations, contact Pat Itzen by calling (253) 631-0113 or sending an e-mail to pat.itzen@juno.com.

--Pat Itzen, Kent, Wash.

Letters guidelines

Boeing Frontiers provides its letters page for readers to state their opinions. The page is intended to encourage an exchange of ideas and information that stimulates dialogue on issues or events in the company or the aerospace industry. The opinions may not necessarily reflect those of The Boeing Company. Letters must include name, organization and a telephone number for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, syntax and size. Please note that not every letter will be used.


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