June 2006 
Volume 05, Issue 2  
Cover Story

Training the work force of tomorrow

In the world of training and development, flexible work habits, informal learning and cutting-edge technology will be key components that both appeal to and allow the future work force to be most effective.

According to Rick Coffey, director, Manufacturing, Functional, and Employee Development—a part of the Learning, Training and Development (LTD) organization—plans include expanding online learning programs to allow individuals to access more training courses from home or work computers. Coffey also said Boeing is exploring ways to develop module-based learning, customized to the individual's specific needs, to reduce the time necessary to complete training requirements.

For engineering, Boeing will focus on access to informal learning that spans current and developing technologies. Jon Schneider, director, LTD Engineering, said employees will have a variety of tools at their disposal, along with the freedom to decide how best to utilize those tools to meet their needs and preferences. "Employees will not be limited or constrained within a formal, structured learning environment. Instead, they will use methods such as podcasting for listening to and viewing technical information," Schneider said. Other means, such as "wikis" (Internet tools to collectively manage information), will allow employees to capture, access and share knowledge to help them collaborate on projects, he added.

Additionally, as more employees work virtually throughout the enterprise, managers will have to become adept at managing a widely-dispersed work force.

Current courses, such as "Managing the Performance of Virtual Teams," help managers make the most of performance management skills that include setting expectations as well as monitoring, reviewing and providing feedback on progress, said Janet Anderson, curriculum designer. "These are skills that all managers should possess irrespective of what technologies are available or whether they are managing a group of employees who work virtually or nearby," she said.

—Robert Sterling


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