February 2006 
Volume 04, Issue 9 
Around Boeing

Harpoon display installed on USS Missouri memorial

Harpoon missile display on the Battleship Missouri MemorialFollowing an 18-month effort, a Harpoon missile display recently was placed on the Battleship Missouri Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Thanks to a joint effort by more than 20 employees at Boeing, the USS Missouri Memorial Association, the Defense Contract Management Agency, the Naval Air Systems Command and the U.S. Navy Program Management Agency Harpoon Program Office, the "Harpoon Missile Deck" on the Missouri now boasts three thickwall canisters and a Harpoon missile Engineering model exiting a fourth canister.

"All of the time, labor and fun that went into this effort paled in comparison to the pride and excitement we felt in seeing the display set in place aboard the memorial," said Dan Ginder, an engineer/scientist with Harpoon/SLAM-ER/Advanced Programs. Ginder provided engineering coordination and oversaw the installation.

Three years ago, the USS Missouri Memorial Association asked Boeing for Harpoons to display onboard the battleship (when active before and during Operation Desert Storm, "Mighty Mo" was equipped with 16 Harpoons). After completing refurbishing work on scrapped material and a disused Engineering model, Boeing shipped the canisters and missile from St. Charles, Mo., to Hawaii in September. Loading them onboard the Missouri required a 100-ton crane. Installation was completed in November.

2005 injury statistics improve; safety goals surpassed

Boeing ended 2005 with better-than-plan rates in safety performance. Using an industry standard known as Lost Work Day Case Rate, Boeing's Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs organization said the company achieved an LWDCR average of 1.26. The planned LWDCR goal was 1.28.

Lost Work Day Case Rate is computed by dividing the total number of lost-time-injury cases for a 12-month period by the total number of hours worked during that period, then multiplying by 200,000 hours (the number of hours 100 people work in one year).

"This achievement was possible only because each of us increased our daily attention and focus on safety-related issues last year," said Mary Armstrong, Shared Services Group president.

"With everyone on board, we can target even more aggressive goals for the year ahead," said Rich Noviello, Boeing enterprise SHEA director. "We are better positioned for success when our employees are engaged in making Boeing a safer workplace."

Noviello noted that in 2005 there were 283 fewer lost-workday cases and more than 35,000 fewer lost workdays compared with 2004.

Cathay Pacific's 1st 747-400BCF enters revenue service

Cathay Pacific's 1st 747-400BCFJust two days after a ceremonial "redelivery" event in December, Cathay Pacific's 747-400 Boeing Converted Freighter made its first revenue flight from Xiamen, China, to Penang, Malaysia. Boeing designs and manages the passenger-to-freighter modification, and suppliers around the world provide parts and perform the physical conversion. Conversion work on the second 747-400BCF is already under way and is on schedule to redeliver to Japan Airlines in May.


IAM promotions
No promotions listed for periods ending Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, Jan. 6, 13 and 20.

Ethics questions?

You can reach the Office of Ethics & Business Conduct at 1-888-970-7171; Mail Code: 14-14; Fax: 1-888-970- 5330; TDD/TTY: 1-800-617-3384; e-mail: ethicsLine.ethics@boeing.com; Web site: http://ethics.whq.boeing.com (internal link only).


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