February 2006 
Volume 04, Issue 9 
Cover Story

The road ahead

Four initiatives aim to help Boeing boost productivity and drive future growth. Here's what they entail.

Initiative: Development Process Excellence

Objective: To improve the yield of Boeing's research and development investments and the effectiveness and productivity of development programs



Initiative: Lean+

Objective: To continue to build upon Boeing's already excellent Lean practices by taking them to the next level in production areas and moving them into offices and back shops



Initiative: Internal Services Productivity

Objective: To reduce indirect costs that are centrally managed or embedded in the businesses, while improving functional productivity



Initiative: Global Sourcing

Objective: To take greater advantage of Boeing's economies of scale and move best practices farther into the supply chain



Growth. Productivity. Those two concepts help drive businesses such as Boeing to a brighter future. Jim McNerney, Boeing chairman, president and CEO, recently introduced four companywide initiatives intended to propel the company toward the twin goals of productivity and growth.

These long-term initiatives—Internal Services Productivity, Lean+, Global Sourcing and Development Process Excellence—are intended to help Boeing achieve ever-more-challenging operational and financial goals. Their individual impact is targeted primarily toward productivity, but the collective gains they realize also will enable growth.

"To be a successful company over the long term, we can't have one without the other. We must drive both. Most Boeing people can have a direct impact on productivity, and productivity frees up resources to invest in growth," McNerney said. "It's a productive embrace. The initiatives will help us capture leverage across the company and help us become greater than the sum of our parts."

As Boeing becomes more productive and grows, it becomes more valuable to its many stakeholders, such as its customers, its employees and communities, its shareholders, and the numerous constituencies that count on Boeing.

McNerney said he and the company's Executive Council chose to focus on these four initiatives because they leverage current internal excellence, present considerable opportunities for improvement in growth and/or productivity, and can help Boeing gain from applying both internal and external best practices. He added that the initiatives take advantage of Boeing's competitive strengths.

In this package of stories, each initiative's sponsor and leader explain what their initiative is about.


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