September 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 5 
By the Numbers

Employee Survey graphicThe companywide results from the Employee Survey were released in August. Here's a look at some preliminary numbers.

Percentage of surveys returned, out of the 136,062 surveys distributed worldwide. External survey experts said Boeing employees' participation rate is among the best for large corporations.

Percentage of positive respondents to the question "I'm proud of the products and services that Boeing provides." This question received the highest percentage of positive responses.

Percentage-point increase, compared to last year, in positive responses to the question "My work group has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued." This question, which scored 71 percent positive in 2005, showed the biggest percentage-point gain in positive responses from the 2004 survey.

Percentage of positive respondents to the question: "My work group uses the Employee Survey feedback for improvements." To address this issue, the company is providing online training and new analytical tools to improve how managers and their teams implement action plans based on Survey feedback.

Number of hours that Data Recognition Corporation staff spent grouping employees' comments on the open-ended question. Note: Boeing uses an external survey vendor to protect employees' anonymity.

Survey results for operating groups are being released over several weeks.

For more information on the Employee Survey, visit the Employee Survey site on the Boeing Web at (internal link only)


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