October 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 6 
Letters to the Editor

Lew Platt's legacy

Upon hearing the news of [Boeing board member and former chairman] Lew Platt's passing, I felt a sense of personal loss, even though I did not know Mr. Platt directly. During the last few turbulent years I felt he did a fantastic job leading the company. It often happens that history requires the right person at the right time. That was Mr. Platt's destiny. He was a man of high moral values and integrity—exactly what this company was founded on and required during this difficult time. His mentorship and example of what we can become will live on in the spirit of The Boeing Company. This is his legacy.

—Siegfried Hess

Donate, don't blame

There is plenty of blame to go around for a good part of the tragedy triggered by Katrina, but that can be debated later. I urge all Boeing employees to donate as much as they can afford through the Employees Community Fund to ease the horrible mess that exists. And a big thank-you to The Boeing Company for leading the way.

—John Connolly
Long Beach, Calif.

Editor's note: For more information on Boeing's Hurricane Katrina disaster relief activity, visit http://www.boeing.com/companyoffices/aboutus/community/katrina.html on the World Wide Web.

Looking forward

Boeing Frontiers Cover SeptemberWith the incredible customer response to Boeing's 787 Dreamliner, the consensus is clear: The airline industry is ready for a point-to-point, fuel-efficient airplane that will deliver great performance and that radiates aesthetic pleasantries.

That said, given the recent unprecedented rise in fuel costs (due to increasing global oil demand tied to a flat or shrinking supply base), the 20 percent fuel savings promised by the 787 may not be enough to keep struggling air carriers afloat in 10 years. As fuel prices continue to elevate, airlines will be forced to pass those costs on to passengers. The coming fuel tax on passengers will hold back airline industry growth rates, causing subsequent reductions in future aircraft purchases.

The solution to this likely bottleneck is clear. A systematic approach to alternative fuels and their logistics, as incorporated into aircraft design, needs to be brought to the forefront now. With the unmatched human talent Boeing has in its arsenal, the opportunity to solve the mounting airline-industry fuel dilemma is within our reach. To do so will afford continued customer orders and reaffirm Boeing's position as the industry leader in aircraft innovation.

—Louis Rivoli
St. Louis

A note to our retiree readers

Retirees who receive Boeing Frontiers in the mail may have noticed that there is a reader response card wrapped around the cover of this month's issue.

We at Boeing Frontiers are asking retiree subscribers who want to continue receiving the magazine to fill out and return the postage-paid response card by Nov. 1.

This card also appeared on copies of the October 2005 issue of Boeing Frontiers that are sent to retirees. However, retirees need to fill out and return only one card, from either the September or October issues.

We are taking this measure to ensure that Boeing Frontiers is being received by retiree subscribers who are interested in the magazine's content—and to eliminate printing and mailing costs for incorrect addresses or unwanted subscriptions.

Retirees who do not return a card by Nov. 1 will no longer continue to receive the magazine after our November 2005 issue.

Letters guidelines

Boeing Frontiers provides its letters page for readers to state their opinions. The page is intended to encourage an exchange of ideas and information that stimulates dialogue on issues or events in the company or the aerospace industry. The opinions may not necessarily reflect those of The Boeing Company. Letters must include name, organization and a telephone number for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, syntax and size.

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