November 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 7 
Around Boeing

Permanent recognition

Karen Dupske, a Boeing teammate in St. Louis and a U.S. Army veteranThis month, a memorial will be unveiled near Building 100 at the Boeing St. Louis site. It honors all Boeing St. Louis employees and retirees who are serving or who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The memorial will be dedicated at a ceremony Nov. 11—Veterans Day in the United States.

The memorial features a circular plaza area containing a stainless-steel wall divided into five segments. Names of the veterans, along with their branches of service, are displayed on dog tag–shaped plaques fastened to the wall with rivets, a key component in the construction of aircraft manufactured at the site. There is also a fountain surrounded by benches, and flagpoles fly the flags of each of the service branches. A bronze plaque inscribed with the words, "In tribute to our employees, past and present, for their dedicated service in the United States military," greets visitors at the entrance of the plaza.


St. Louis volunteers lend a hand to improve Riverfront Trail

A team of Boeing employees in St. Louis spent a day last month volunteering their efforts to open a "bio-window," or a clear view of the Mississippi River, along the Riverfront Trail bike and hiking course in that city.


Australia selects Boeing JDAM

The Boeing Joint Direct Attack Munition weapon system scored a hit last month when the Commonwealth of Australia Department of Defence selected JDAM for the AIR 5409 Bomb Improvement Program.

"JDAM will provide the Royal Australian Air Force with all-weather, autonomous, accurate delivery of bombs against a broad spectrum of targets," said Rick Heerdt, JDAM program manager for Boeing.


CEVNorthrop Grumman–Boeing team unveils CEV idea

The Northrop Grumman–Boeing Crew Exploration Vehicle team last month unveiled its engineering approach to the spacecraft. NASA's CEV, a successor to the Space Shuttle, is expected to carry astronauts to the moon, Mars and beyond in coming decades. The vehicle is designed to be carried into space aboard a rocket based on the solid rocket booster technology that helps power the early phases of current Shuttle flights. NASA expects to select a CEV prime contractor in the spring of 2006.


IAM promotions
No promotions listed for periods ending Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 14 and 21.

Ethics questions?

You can reach the Offi ce of Ethics & Business Conduct at 1-888-970-7171; Mail Code: 14-14; Fax: 1-888-970- 5330; TDD/TTY: 1-800-617-3384; e-mail:; Web site: (internal link only).


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