November 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 7 
Main Feature

What's next?

In addition to enhancements to Salaried Job Classification, performance and pay, changes are under way to improve how Boeing adds employees as well as how the company moves existing employees between jobs. Here's a look at what's coming next. 

New hires and job moves

Several changes are comings to improve staffing processes and the movement of current employees between jobs.

A new structured interview process now lets managers and other interviewers make a more objective comparison of job candidates based on the knowledge, skills and abilities required to do a job. Structured interviews, which began in late August, are a standardized and widely used method of evaluating candidates' job-related skills and abilities. Structured interviews include assessment questions and rating scales based on job competencies, and a panel of at least two people (the hiring manager, a Human Resources professional or another manager).

The process for making salary decisions related to new hires and job moves also will be improved with the Pay Analysis Tool. This tool will provide managers, partnering with HR, with a recommended range for starting salaries and comparative ranges based on the job candidate's total years of experience, experience in the specific job and job level, and educational background compared to the existing peer group for that job. The tool, which will be introduced in phases to HR beginning later this year, also takes into consideration external benchmark data for the specific geographic region where the employee will work.

Job skills

Boeing is reviewing salaried job descriptions with direct input from employees and managers over the next 18 months. This review will support company efforts to

  • Select a qualified candidate for each job.
  • Measure employees' results through Performance Evaluation.
  • Continue to determine appropriate levels of pay for employees.
  • Link development needs to the Performance Development Partnership.
  • Plan future workforce development based on an analysis of existing skills and the skills needed to meet future needs.
  • Enable managers to have key job-related information to facilitate retention and redeployment of employees.

It's important to note that this effort is focused on the job itself, not the person who holds the job. The review will provide more detail about the purpose, scope and expected results of each job. It will also identify differences in job levels by better clarifying competencies, such as knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics required at each level.

While the reviews are not expected to cause employees to change jobs or to have an impact on salary ranges, they may indicate that an employee should get additional training and development. The Performance Development Partnership process and other learning resources can help employees identify the skills they need to obtain.

At the enterprise level, Boeing will have a database of competencies for jobs across the company. It will provide visibility of skill or knowledge gaps for certain regions or occupations or for future product development—and plan training and recruitment efforts accordingly.

—Debby Arkell


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