November 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 7 
Main Feature

The road to rewards

The road to rewardsWhat gives you job satisfaction? Pay and recognition for a job well done are likely top factors on any employee's list. However, Boeing's mergers and acquisitions brought with them a number of different performance, development, salary and job classification systems. As a result, when changing jobs or simply understanding how pay and performance relate to business goals, navigating the system hasn't been easy for some.

That's why Boeing has been working over the last decade to continually improve pay, performance and development systems and processes. Most recently, Boeing last year implemented a suite of improved tools for performance evaluation, individual development and salary management.


We hear you

We hear you Boeing people indicated that while the performance evaluation, salary review and performance development partnership processes are better than they were, there's still room to grow. Following are some employee comments and responses from the Performance and Salary Management team.

"Performance evaluation has gotten a lot easier now that it's online, but it would be just as easy to update PDPs online." — Carolyn Hodges, Propulsion Sustainment IPT manager, Integrated Defense Systems


What's next?

In addition to enhancements to Salaried Job Classification, performance and pay, changes are under way to improve how Boeing adds employees as well as how the company moves existing employees between jobs. Here's a look at what's coming next. 

A new structured interview process now lets managers and other interviewers make a more objective comparison of job candidates based on the knowledge, skills and abilities required to do a job. Structured interviews, which began in late August, are a standardized and widely used method of evaluating candidates' job-related skills and abilities. Structured interviews include assessment questions and rating scales based on job competencies, and a panel of at least two people (the hiring manager, a Human Resources professional or another manager).



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