November 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 7 
Letters to the Editor

A retirement plan idea

quoteBoeing should change its retirement plan to become more attractive to current and future employees while saving money and decreasing risk. I contribute 8 percent of my salary to 401(k), then Boeing gives me a 6 percent match plus 7 percent towards pension, for a total of 21 percent (8 percent from me, 13 percent from Boeing). If Boeing stopped contributing to pensions, it could increase 401(k) matches and save money.

There are many ways to formulate 401(k) plans, but here's an idea. Boeing could match at 100 percent up to 10 percent of salary, which would reduce the total from 21 percent to 20 percent while dropping Boeing's contribution from 13 percent to 10 percent. I would get the peace of mind of knowing that I own all of my retirement savings, and investors wouldn't have to worry as much about Boeing's future pension obligations. Also, I am not the only one who would like Boeing to give me the option to cash out my pension savings and transfer it into my 401(k).

—William C. Chavez
Albuquerque, N.M.

Hawker: Kudos to team

October coverThe intent of the Boeing Frontiers article on Hawker de Havilland (October 2005, Page 26) was to showcase activity undertaken by Boeing in Australia. The HdH team would like to specifically acknowledge the valuable technology contribution from Seattle and Huntington Beach, Calif., Material and Process Technology (M&PT) engineers during the development of the 787 resin infusion processes employed by HdH.

This was an excellent example of Boeing business units working together within a Joint Technology Development Framework, originally set up for the Sonic Cruiser effort and carried forward to the 787. This was a true team effort by Boeing technology development engineers on both sides of the Pacific. We want to correct any impression that readers may derive from the article that this development was undertaken solely by HdH.

The HdH team looks forward to continuing this strong cooperative working arrangement with M&PT in Seattle and Huntington Beach to successfully deploy the process into the manufacturing environment.

—Mike Rufert
Melbourne, Australia

Another turbine

You should be pleased to know there is another Boeing 502 turbine engine (see "Letters to the Editor" in the June 2005 and September 2005 issues of Boeing Frontiers) from the 1950s alive and well, in a 1932 Ford Roadster. The car and the engine are still functional and are at the Harold E. LeMay Museum in Marymount, Wash. The engine originally saw service installed in a U.S. Army L-19 observation airplane and was used in a military test program.

—Len Williams

Editor's note: According to the LeMay Museum, the 1932 Ford "Jet Car" currently is not on display but is put on display periodically. Groups of 30 or more visitors can arrange to see the car if they can set up a visit at least three months in advance. For more information, contact Steve Kovach or Trudy Cofchin at the museum, at (253) 779-8490.

Attention Boeing Mgmt. Association retirees

If you are a retired Boeing Management Association member or BMA Gold Card member and would like to receive the free monthly Gold Card Events Newsletter, please e-mail your name and address to or send your information to:

Boeing Management Assn.
P.O. Box 3707, MC 5X-09
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
Phone: (206) 852-1686

—Kathy Fenster

Letters guidelines

Boeing Frontiers provides its letters page for readers to state their opinions. The page is intended to encourage an exchange of ideas and information that stimulates dialogue on issues or events in the company or the aerospace industry. The opinions may not necessarily reflect those of The Boeing Company. Letters must include name, organization and a telephone number for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, syntax and size.

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