May 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 1 

"What you are seeing is possibly the biggest reversal of fortunes in aviation history, with Boeing taking back lost market share from Airbus. ... This represents one of the biggest opportunities that any U.S. manufacturing company has ever enjoyed."

—Richard Aboulafia, an analyst with the Teal Group, speaking about the technological head start the all-new Boeing 787 Dreamliner has over the Airbus A350, a derivative of its A330, or any Airbus jetliner developed from scratch, in the April 19 Seattle Times.

"Our employees, they are highly intelligent. If we can tap the intelligence of our work force, that's a huge competitive advantage for us."

— Dan Becker, vice president and general manager of 747, 767 and 777 programs, in the April 16 Everett (Wash.) Herald.

"I love crazy ideas. I'm never going to get upset if somebody tries something that was a prudent thing to do. I'm not going to beat them up. I'm going to pat them on the back and say, 'good try.'"

— Derek McLuckey, general manager of the Wichita (Kan.) Development and Modification Center for Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, in the April 11 Wichita Business Journal.


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