May 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 1 
Integrated Defense Systems

Something in the air

Something in the airJust as successful business owners must continuously adapt to economic changes, the U.S. Air Force (along with the rest of the military) is rapidly transforming itself to adapt to profound changes in modern warfare. In a post–Cold War security environment—and particularly since the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States—the Air Force's challenge is how to maintain broad and sustained advantages over potential adversaries that are becoming more amorphous.

In step with this transformation, the Air Force Systems business unit of Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is delivering enhanced platforms and new capabilities-driven solutions to fulfill the priorities of the U.S. Air Force.


The art of delivery

The art of deliveryThis is the story of a 60-ton trainer, a 7,300-mile (11,700-kilometer) journey and immeasurable tender loving care.

Today, U.S. Air Force pilots at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, train in the F-15C Mission Training Center. The Boeing Training Systems & Services group, part of Integrated Defense Systems, developed, programmed and manufactured the trainers in St. Louis. The trainer, scheduled to have been activated in late April, allows up to four pilots to train at one time. Using a 360-degree visual display system, pilots practice takeoffs, landings, normal ground and in-flight operations, electronic warfare, air-to-air weapons employment and air-combat maneuvering.


Set to sail

The Boeing-led Sea-Based X-Band Radar industry team is moving toward sea trials after completing integration last month of the SBX radar with the massive, sea-going SBX platform.

SBX, a key element of the Missile Defense Agency's Ground-based Midcourse Defense program, consists of an advanced radar system mounted on a converted oil industry platform. SBX will be able to track, discriminate and assess long-range ballistic missile threats.


Still buzzing

On Oct. 20, 1981, Sir James Killen, then defense minister of Australia, heralded a new era in Australian defense when he announced to Federal Parliament, "The government has selected, as Australia's new tactical fighter, the F/A-18."

Hornets were selected as the replacement for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Dassault Mirage IIIO fighter. At the time, the program was one of the largest and most important peacetime defense acquisitions in Australian history, valued then at 2.79 billion American dollars.

The order, for 75 Hornets—57 single-seat A models and 18 two-seat B models—was to provide Australia with an unmatched regional air defense capability. It would also give the RAAF a leap forward in technology, flexibility and versatility.


Here's how it works

This month's debut of the new Virtual Warfare Center in St. Louis takes Boeing and its U.S. Department of Defense customers to greater heights in shaping future warfare capabilities.

The three-story, 70,000-square-foot center was designed to conduct complex military mission simulations in a collaborative, network-centric environment. Operators—including commanders, warfighters, and software and systems analysts—rely on the center to test and challenge new technologies, tactics and human behavior via real-time scenarios. From the collected data and intelligence, they can better understand and prepare for live operations—and make more cost-effective business decisions before committing dollars and resources.


Exactly positioned

It all began on Feb. 22, 1978, when an Atlas F rocket launch placed the Pathfinder GPS (Global Positioning System) Navstar Block I satellite in orbit. Since then the GPS program has evolved; today, its capabilities have far exceeded anyone's expectations.

Boeing has played a major role in the development and operation of the GPS constellation and is working on the next generation of GPS.

Originally intended for military navigation and precise timing use, GPS has become routine on commercial airliners, cruise ships and cars. It's used by hikers, and it even monitors the earth's fault lines.



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