June 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 2 
Special Features


Challenge is a semiannual editorial supplement of Boeing Frontiers magazine that focuses on engineering and technology and is distributed to all Boeing employees.

On the Cover: Joe Felock is an experimental F-15 and F/A-18 test pilot. He is among Boeing flight-test aviators who in addition to possessing first-rate flying skills, have impressive technical qualifications. Felock, shown here suited up for a test flight, holds bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering. Behind him is an F-15K. (Photo by Bob Ferguson)

Previous issues of Challenge are also online.


A message from Chief Technology Officer Jim Jamieson

High-tech jet drivers
Many of today's Boeing test pilots are not just aviators. They have strong engineering backgrounds and make important contributions to the test-flight team.

The unmanned race
Boeing is gaining presence in the burgeoning unmanned-systems market that has become a multibillion dollar opportunity. Check out the programs that Boeing is involved in.

Boeing's new jumbo
An engineering team in Puget Sound is working at full speed to prepare the 747-400 for conversion into the Large Cargo Freighter, which will be used to transport 787 assemblies.

What dreams may come
Engineers talk about what attracted them to a career in aerospace and why it is so challenging--and so much fun--to work for Boeing.

Julie-Ellen Acosta's winning formula
Jumping into the deep end of uncertain waters isn't a comfortable sensation for must of us. But it's a familiar one for Phantom Works' Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president of Structural Technologies, Prototyping and Quality.

Bringing common tech to the shop floor
Since the mergers of the late 1990s, Boeing has been burdened by a hodgepodge of duplicative processes and systems. Common systems and processes are now being deployed across the company to create a common, forward-looking information technology architecture and core of common systems to be used by all business units.

Connexion stands ready for Uncle Sam
One goal continues to loom large for the U.S. Department of Defense: ensuring everyone has access to accurate information and data in real time. See how Connexion by Boeing's in-flight broadband service is helping advance the military network.

Engineers work to protect Apache combat pilots
Imagine trying to land an Apache Longbow helicopter in poor visibility, on a shifting landing zone, while under threat of attack. Innovative simulator enhancements are now helping pilots train for these specific scenarios by creating full-mission, high-fidelity experiences.

Bringing battlefield information to the soldier
Future Combat Systems, the U.S. Army's transformational program, is accelerating to deliver newfound capabilities...and information plays a key role.

Advanced ATM in air-system demand
Now part of Boeing Phantom Works, the Advanced Air Traffic Management team continues its work to help meet growth in air-system demand.

Profile: Commercial Airplane's Jim Morris, vice president of Engineering and Manufacturing, Commercial Airplanes

Portrait: C-130 AMP virtual reality design center team

Challenge staff
Publisher: James Jamieson
Editorial director: Dave Phillips
Editor: William Cole
Designer: Heather Dubinskas
Copy editor: Walter Polt

Address correspondence to:
Editor, Challenge
Mailcode: S100-3225P.O. Box 516
St. Louis, MO 63166-0516
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