December 2005/January 2006 
Volume 04, Issue 8 
Special Feature

Industry recognition

Boeing technical employees are continuing to build Boeing's technical reputation inside and outside the company by receiving new awards from their industry peers.

The awards for 2005 continued to help Boeing to shape the aerospace agenda, bring diverse and innovative ideas to the company, leverage development and recognition opportunities for Boeing leaders and innovators. It also ensures diverse global and innovative technical leadership in the future.

AIAA-American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Robert Liebeck – 2005 Aircraft Design Award
Michael Heller – 2005 Mechanics and Control of Flight Award
Derrell Brown – 2005 Engineer of the Year
Edmund Field – 2004 Best Paper
Alan Mulally – The Founder's Award
Ghanashyam Purohit – Wyld Propulsion Award

AIAA Fellows
Jim Evatt – Associate Fellow

ASEI-American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin
Atul Jain and Jayant Patel – Engineering Excellence Award

ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Bob Liebeck – Spirit of St. Louis Award

AAEOY-Asian American Engineer of the Year
Ying J. Feria
Roger P. Sekijima

BEOY-Black Engineer of the Year
Clark Johnson - Lifetime Achievement Award
Michael Blyden - Modern Day Technology Leader
Paul Jackson - Modern Day Technology Leader
Norma Clayton – one of the 50 Most Important Blacks in Technology

Carlos GalvanHENAAC-Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference
Carlos Galvan – Luminary

NAE – National Academy of Engineering
Kristin Culler – "America's Brightest Engineer"

NSBE-National Society of Black Engineers
Lamont Redrick – Alumni of the Year Award

OCA-Organization of Chinese Americans
Radha Radhakrishan – 2005 National Asian Pacific American Corporate Achievement Award

The Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Pamela Strong – Fellow

St. Louis Academy of Science
Krishnan K. Sankaran – James B. Eads Award

SAE-Society of Automotive Engineers
Jayant Patel – 2004 Marvin Whitlock Award
Mark S. Shanders – SAE/InterRegs Standards & Regulations Award for Young Engineers
Pamela Kay Strong – SAE Breed Award Winner

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
Ed Rossman – 2005 Outstanding Member Award

SWE-Society of Women Engineers
Angela O'Gorman – Distinguished New Engineer

WOCT-Women of Color in Technology
Lynne Croft, Candace Givens, Kala Iyer, Lisa Jones, Geetanjali Reuben, Barbara Taylor – Technology All Stars
Kerri Scott, Kristin Toyama – Rising Stars
Sandra Jeffcoat – Career Achievement

The "Flash of genius" behind Boeing inventions

"Boeing inventions and the work of the inventors add significant value to the company's space, military and commercial businesses," said Rob Gullette, vice president of Boeing Technology's Intellectual Property Business.

Gullette told the 128 winners of the Special Invention Award at three regional ceremonies in 2005: "Without you and the 'flash of genius' that led to your invention, this would be a much different world—one that would be far less exciting."

The annual awards recognize employees for top inventions during the year.  This year's winning inventions were chosen from more than 1,400 across the company.

The inventions and inventors are as follows:

Northwest Special Invention Awards

Conformal Aperture Active Phased Array Antenna and Method for Repair
David N. Rasmussen, Gary E. Miller, Richard N. Bostwick

Fluid Control Valve
Herbert L. Hoffman, Wendell R. Miller, Pat Parkin, Hai-Tien Loh, Naval K. Agarwal, Wayne F. Hollatz, Robert J. Devitis, Wen-Hwang Lin, Richard A. Black

Interface Element for Mixed Mode Fracture Analysis of Layered Materials
Gerald E. Mabson, Bernhard Dopker, Lyle R. Deobald

Antenna-integrated Printed Wiring Board for Phased Array Systems
Julio Navarro

Avionic Door Lock System
James J. Johnson, Mitchell J. Piorkowski, Steven D. Flickinger, Steven L. Wehr, Mark E. Smith

Multi-positional Tail Skids and Associated Methods of Use
Warren Burggraf, C. Byram Bays-Muchmore, Daniel Little, Malcolm Bryant, Todd Brouwer

Connexion by Boeing Next Generation Antenna (NGA) Antenna Fairing Airfoils
Stanley D. Ferguson, William W. Herling, David A. Treiber

Composite Barrel Sections for Aircraft Fuselages and Other Structures, and Methods and Systems for Manufacturing Such Barrel Sections
Terry J. George, Robert D. Biornstad

Method and Apparatus for Forming Structural Members (Universal Stringer Former for Composite Hat Shapes)
Kurtis S. Willden, Michael A. Lee, Richard B. Evans, Darrell D. Jones, Gregory A. Roberts

Ventilating Engine to Inlet Seal
Mark Reissig, Gerald Goetz, Brian Smith, Paul Carr, David Jensen

32 Channel Multiplexed TTU System and Method
Barry A. Fetzer

Laurence B. Wigton

Jet Airplane Configuration Commercial Jet Transport
R. Blake Emery, Victor K. Stuhr, Adam P. Malachowski, Stephen T. Brown, Richard K. Wong, Chester P. Nelson, Michael L. Drake, Christopher A. Vegte, Bruce R. Detert, Christopher A. Konings, Chris B. Kettering, Kevin M. Retz, Paul W. Dees, Mark E. Eakins*, Paul E. Mikulencak*
* Co-inventors employed by Boeing under contract and recognized for their outstanding contribution

Electrical Impedance Tomography Using a Virtual Short Measurement Technique
Grant E. Davis

Central Region

FatMan – Fatigue Analysis Manager
Jeffrey S. Sermersheim, Scott S. Fields, Eric S. Meyer

Split Detent Tactile Cue
David G. Miller, Pieter G. Einthoven

A Method for Estimating GPS Ionospheric Delay Using Single or Dual Frequency
Randall M. Hoven, Harold A. Klotz

Nozzle Designs
Rodney Ludwig, David J. Suiter, Robert A. Dichiara, James E. French

Kinematic Calibration Using Polynomials
Philip Freeman

Opportunistic Parts Marking Management System
Robert M. Beggs, Bradley J. Buchanan

UAV In-flight Refueling System
Paul M. Doane

Low Temperature, Vacuum Cure Fabrication Process for Large, Honeycomb Core Stiffened Composite Structure
Carlos Fracchia, Danny E. Heineman, Karen Jost, Jeffrey E. Polus, James A. Thomas

System and Method for Designating a Moving Land Target
Kurt A. Mizgate, Thomas S. Cavedine, Thomas J. Maschek, Shirley N. Cheng

Portable Automatic Fastener Delivery System (PFDS) and Fastener Stacking Spacer and Removal System
Daniel D. Bloch, Edward E. Feikert, David McCoy, Ernst A. Oswald, Kevin J. Sitton, William P. Miller

Methods, Systems, and Formats for Data, Such as Data Used in Laser Projection of Fasteners Used in Manufacturing
Tracy L. Bagwill, William M. Behan

Self-Normalizing Contour Drilling Machine
Dana B. Jackson, Dennis R. Mathis, Patrick N. Shay, Theodore K. Vogt

Automatically Generate Telemetry Flight Software, Accompanying Specifications, and Decode Files
Dennis W. Gvillo

Boeing Layered Detection System
Mark W. Wolboldt

Southwest Region

Low Energy Network Infrastructure (LENI) for Distributed Sensor Systems
Haig F. Krikorian, Robert W. Loewer, Susan E. Smalley

Apparatus and Associated Method for Joining and Sealing Conduits
Jayant D. Patel, Alfred R. Wiratunga

Integrated Spacecraft Emulation System and Method for Operating Same
Jeffrey J. Gold*, David L. Koza, Steven R. Zammit

Riveted Fastener Extraction Apparatuses and Method
John F. Suarez, Bradley G. Weiskittel

Attitude-Acquisition Methods and Systems for Controlled Spacecraft Attitude
David D. Needelman, Yeong-Wei A. Wu, Rongsheng Li

System and Method for Calibrating Inter-star-Tracker Misalignments in a Stellar Inertial Attitude Determination System
Rongsheng Li, Yeong-Wei A. Wu, Douglas H. Hein

Shaped Reflector Reoptimization
Michael Nolan, David Bressler, George Voulelikas

Closed Cycle Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser (COIL) System
1. Integrated Dual Source Recycling System for Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser Weapon Systems
2. Basic Hydrogen Peroxide Recycling System for Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Lasers
3. Treatment of Chloralkali Feeds Containing Hydrogen Peroxide and Base
Alan Z. Ullman, Thomas L. Bunn, Steve C. Hurlock

Global Positioning System Enabled and Wide Area Networked Container Security Unit (GWCSU)
Joseph S. Ng, George W. Wells

FFT Based Digital Radiometer
Thomas E. Ellis

Spacecraft Power Acquisition Procedure and Method for Wing-Deployed Configuration
(Hanching) Grant Wang, Umesh Ketkar, Sadek W. Mansour, Sheng N. Sun

Epoxy Application Tool Tip
Kevin Flautt

Fluid Control Valve
Roy Hai-Tien Loh, Herbert L. Hoffman*, Wendell R. Miller*, Pat Parkin*, Naval K. Agarwal*, Wayne F. Hollatz*, Robert J. Devitis*, Wen-Hwang Lin*, Richard A. Black*
* Recognized at a previous ceremony


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