December 2005/January 2006 
Volume 04, Issue 8 
Main Feature

Rotational program introduces new hire to his field of dreams

Brian ArentAfter earning his mechanical engineering degree from Florida State University, Brian Arent landed the job of his dreams at Boeing.

Arent joined Integrated Defense Systems in late 2004 and is part of the new IDS Puget Sound two-year Engineering Rotation Program. The goal of the program is to develop college graduates and expose them to a broad variety of "real world" engineering challenges. In addition to multiple job assignments, the program includes a mentor and encourages participants to take additional training and classes.

Arent's first eight-month rotational assignment was with the F/A-22 design engineering group. The second leg of his rotation began in September with Derivative Airplane Programs, which reconfigures commercial airplane models to meet military requirements. His third assignment has been left open in order to find the best match between his interests and program staffing requirements.

"Rotation gives me the opportunity to learn about different programs, and the variety of assignments gives me the opportunity to learn as much as I can," Arent said. "And working with my mentor, I am discovering my strengths and areas of possible improvement."

Arent added that he likes the program's flexibility, along with the support he's received from management to explore and develop his interests. He's already taken some additional training in CATIA computer-aided design and manufacturing software and a course on managing personal growth.

—Debby Coyne

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