August 2005 
Volume 04, Issue 4 
Integrated Defense Systems

Innovating for security needs

1st Boeing coproduced Arrow readied to defend Israel against ballistic missile threat


Innovating for security needsIsrael’s Ministry of Defense this summer will accept delivery of the first Boeing coproduced Arrow Weapon System to protect that nation against short- and medium-range ballistic missile threats. The program is considered a model of Boeing Integrated Defense Systems working with the best of industry to build the best products for its customers.

Boeing Missile Defense Systems in 2002 reached an initial agreement with Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) on the joint U.S.-Israeli coproduction of Arrow. Boeing received a contract in March 2004 for production of major assemblies and subsystem components of the Arrow II interceptor as well as the canister assembly that houses the interceptor.

Boeing is responsible for producing major portions of the Arrow interceptor such as the Section II electronics, ceramic radome, first- and second-stage rocket-motor cases, interceptor canister, avionics subsystems and numerous lower-level subsystems, components and spares, said Debra Rub, Boeing vice president of Integrated Missile Defense. Work is performed primarily in Huntsville, Ala. The program also has brought jobs and revenues to other states, including Mississippi, Utah and Colorado, Rub said.

Under the current contract with IAI, Boeing would continue delivery of Arrow components through early 2009, should all production options be exercised.

“I commend Israel for deploying the Arrow ground-based missile-defense system to protect that nation against real threats while at the same time continuing developmental testing and system refinement,” Boeing Integrated Defense Systems President and Chief Executive Officer Jim Albaugh said in June. He was speaking at a Washington, D.C., reception sponsored by Boeing and IAI to celebrate the successful international partnership on Arrow.

The Honorable Daniel Ayalon, Ambassador of Israel to the United States, told the reception audience Arrow provides strong protection of Israel and American allies from the growing ballistic missile threat. “Defending Israel and American allies and preventing war is what the Arrow is really all about,” Ayalon said. “In 1991 Israel received 39 Scud missiles from Iraq because we didn’t have an answer, but today we do. Not just for defense, but also deterrence, against any potential rogue regimes that might attack Israel or any of the other American allies.”

Moshe Keret, IAI president and CEO, credited visionaries who more than 20 years ago perceived the threat that Arrow can now defend against.

The Arrow program also has benefited from strong U.S. support on Capitol Hill. Said Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee: “It is a successful program and gives us a capability to protect people in ways that otherwise would not be possible.”


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