April 2005 
Volume 03, Issue 11 
New and Notable

Another kind of fluid dynamics

Boeing takes measures in response to drought in Washington state

Another kind of fluid dynamicsIf you see brown lawns at Boeing work sites in the Pacific Northwest this summer, it's most likely because the company is chipping in to tackle the drought in that part of the United States.

In response to Washington state's declaration last month of a drought emergency, Keith Warner, Boeing Utility manager, outlined the tactics the company plans to take to cut water consumption:

  • Reduce landscape watering or schedule it for evening hours to reduce evaporation.
  • Work with building and factory managers to fix leaks and modify water-intensive processes.
  • Encourage employees to report waste, such as broken or leaky pipes.

"We will do everything we can," Warner said. "This is a regional issue that we can do a lot to help with."

Under similar drought conditions in 2001, the state set a goal of a 10 percent reduction in consumption. Boeing met that goal.

Across the state, precipitation is at or near record lows, and the mountain snow pack averages about 26 percent of normal. Many rivers and creeks on both sides of the Cascade Mountains are flowing at or near record-low levels for this time of year.

"We need to start taking action now, and all of us need to be part of the solution," said Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire in a statement last month announcing the drought emergency. "For most areas, every drop of water we save now is water that will be available later when we may really need it."

The 56,000 Boeing employees in Washington can help by limiting water use at work and at home. Employees can report waste and offer water-saving suggestions by contacting site utility focals at http://workplace-services.web.boeing.com/pec/utilities/energy/focals.asp (Internal Boeing link) on the Boeing Web.


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