April 2005 
Volume 03, Issue 11 
Boeing in the News

Boeing gets OK to bid on USAF launches

Last month's reinstatement of Boeing's expendable launch business by the U.S. Air Force means the company can compete again for government launch contracts.

The Air Force lifted the 20-month suspension after determining the company could demonstrate that enhanced internal controls had been put into place. The suspension had stemmed from the Air Force's inquiry into Boeing's handling of an incident involving Boeing employees who possessed another company's documents relating to the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program.

The announcement reinstating Boeing was made by then-Acting Air Force Secretary Peter Teets during a Pentagon news conference. "Over the past 20 months, Boeing has taken serious corrective actions," Teets told reporters.

Concurrently, the Air Force and Boeing entered into an interim administrative agreement that requires Boeing to continue to maintain improvements to its ethics and compliance programs that it adopted as a result of internal initiatives and the recommendations of four independent reviews.

The external reviews, two led by former U.S. Sen. Warren Rudman, recommended improvements in five categories:

  • Management involvement
  • Hiring and employment practices
  • Procurement integrity
  • Employee training
  • Investigation procedures

The agreement states that Boeing will address the recommendations from the external reviews and ensure that Boeing processes and procedures are implemented consistently throughout the company. Additionally, the agreement requires that Boeing hire a Special Compliance Officer to serve as an independent monitor of the company's compliance with the agreement. The SCO is colocated with the Office of Internal Governance, the organization responsible for the internal monitoring of the company's compliance. The agreement will be in place for at least three years.

"We have worked hard over the past 20 months to restore the trust and confidence of our customer, and we are grateful that we have reached this point. The company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical business conduct at every level of the organization," Boeing said in a statement.

Getting fit to fly

Getting fit to fly

The 777-200LR Worldliner, the world's longest-range commercial airplane, completed its first flight last month and began a test program that will lead to its first delivery in January 2006. During this inaugural three-hour flight, the airplane climbed to an altitude of 15,000 feet (4,572 meters) and an air speed of 270 knots, or about 310 miles (500 kilometers) per hour, customary on a first flight.

What does it take to prepare the world's longest-range commercial airplane to fly? Find out by visiting http://www.boeing.com/commercial/
on the World Wide Web and see how employees worked together during preflight testing activities and other events leading up to the Boeing 777-200LR Worldliner's first flight.

Wedgetail visits Australia

Wedgetail visits Australia

A 737 Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft for Australia's Project Wedgetail flew over Sydney harbor last month during the aircraft's first trip to Australia. The aircraft was displayed at the Australian International Airshow 2005 and stopped off in Canberra, the nation's capital city. It also visited Royal Australian Air Force bases Williamtown, Amberley and Edinburgh, where hundreds of employees support the Boeing-led Wedgetail team. Six Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft have been purchased. Delivery of the first two is scheduled for November 2006.

Set for spaceSet for space

Teammates at Boeing's Satellite Development Center complex in El Segundo, Calif., have been preparing two spacecraft set to launch within the next few weeks.

The Spaceway F1 satellite (above) for The DIRECTV Group Inc. arrived at the Sea Launch home port in Long Beach, Calif., where it will undergo final preparations for a late April launch aboard a Zenit-3SL vehicle. A Boeing 702 model satellite, Spaceway F1 is the first of two spacecraft scheduled for launch this year for DIRECTV and the most complex commercial satellite system ever manufactured. Spaceway F1 is one of four Boeing-built Ka-band satellites DIRECTV has scheduled for launch over the next three years as part of its plan to expand programming capacity.

Meanwhile, the first of three next-generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites was shipped to Kennedy Space Center, Fla., for a scheduled May launch. Boeing is manufacturing these spacecraft for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA. The satellite will provide more accurate prediction and tracking of severe storms and other weather phenomena, resulting in earlier and more precise warnings to the public. The Boeing-built 601 model satellite will be launched onboard a Boeing-built Delta IV Medium+ configuration rocket.


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