September 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 5 
Integrated Defense Systems

Part of a new planPart of a new plan

Keeping too many supplies on hand is an expense any business would like to avoid. Boeing Integrated Defense Systems in St. Louis is doing something to minimize it.

Using consumption-based ordering, the Tactical Aircraft team is working to have the right number of parts and supplies on hand when needed-and not a day before.

Consumption-based ordering uses the advantages of just-in-time ordering and the value of close partnerships with suppliers. The result is a more efficient system with benefits for Boeing and its suppliers.


Clean Slate

Clean SlateWhen members of the Arrow missile program team in Huntsville, Ala., began production planning just over a year ago, they had nothing more than a blank sheet of paper and a mandate from Program Manager Mark Smith to "design to Lean from the factory floor up."

They did just that, and today the Boeing Huntsville team is producing components of the Arrow II interceptor in what is arguably a model Lean environment.

Arrow is the Israeli ballistic missile defense system that provides a frontline national defense for Israel. Boeing Integrated Defense Systems and Israel Aircraft Industries coproduce the Arrow II interceptor for the system under an agreement signed in 2002.



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