October 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 6 
Letters to the Editor

Communities in good hands

September Frontiers coverThanks for the touching articles about your efforts to help communities worldwide. I've been to the refurbished Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago, and the building looks magnificent. However, I had no idea the renovation was part of a larger plan to revitalize the community.

If the conservatory renovation exemplifies the kind of projects you're involved in around the world, then the communities you're supporting are in good hands. Congratulations on your efforts.

-Matt Carmichael, Chicago

More about Milestones?

I believe Milestones is one of the most important sections of Frontiers. If the company truly valued its employees, it would provide more than a fine-print listing of names to recognize these important milestones. I would like to see at least business unit, location, title and functional department information on the people listed, especially for those retiring. If it is only a space issue, why not provide a link to an online spreadsheet or database of the relevant information?

-Arthur Behrens, St. Louis

Ethics for all

While I can understand the theory behind the Ethics training we took this year, I think it sends a bad message to the average employee. Probably 90 percent of us have no contact with the outside world concerning our jobs. Yet because a few people screw up at some of the highest levels, the rest of us take the training and get threatened with our jobs if we don't sign the Code of Conduct sheet. That is painting the employees of this company with a pretty wide brush.

I have been here almost 28 years and don't believe I should be questioned about my ethics because some executives can't play by the rules. Please use a little common sense next time and work with the people who need the training and don't lump everyone together. Most of us are honest people.

-Dean Anderson, Sammamish, Wash.

Editor's note: Martha Ries, Boeing vice president - Ethics and Business Conduct for Boeing, replies:

Boeing believes in the talented, honest, ethical men and women who work so hard to deliver quality products and services to our customers. Both the Ethics Recommitment Day and the Code of Conduct certification are intended to help each of us understand and focus on the common values and ideals that underlie everything we do now and in the future.

Our training opportunities are meant to underscore our commitment to being better in everything that we do-not to question in any way the integrity of our workforce. We all seek the same thing: To make our great company even greater.

You go, Harry

To Harry Stonecipher, Boeing president and CEO: Great "Straight Talk" column in the September issue. You couldn't have said it any clearer or better. I hope everybody in our industry and associated businesses gets a chance to read it, as a lot of people wouldn't have a clue. Congratulation on a great article.

-Dick Spaulding, Alexandria, Va.

Regarding the September "Straight Talk": Please give Harry Stonecipher my very best wishes and hearty congratulations in putting into print what I have been waiting to see for very many years.

Boeing has been practically encouraging Airbus/EADS to tighten the screws. Why Boeing hasn't been jumping up and down to the U.S. government over this disparity is beyond my belief.

-Ian Fairnington, Hallett Cove, Australia

Be careful, Harry

In the September 2004 issue of Frontiers, Harry Stonecipher spoke about the uneven playing ground between Airbus and Boeing in the form of government assistance to Airbus and the unfair advantage that Airbus has over Boeing. Of course Harry's viewpoint could be countered by the Airbus CEO with the assistance (in whatever form) that the U.S. government gives to Boeing.

There is no such thing as a level playing ground in business, as one company will always have an advantage over the other. And of course the other will complain about that advantage. That's business. The only level playing ground is a sports field.

-David Prest, Newcastle, Australia

A friction-stir-welding tool unites two pieces of metal.Smooth over friction

For the first time since Frontiers was published, I heard a coworker enthusiastically say, "Take a look at Frontiers! There's a great article in there!" The article? Walter Polt's description of friction-stir welding in "A little friction at Boeing" (September 2004). We like to hear about technical achievements like this. Bring 'em on.

-Shelley Ashfield, Philadelphia


Allen Award's importance

I'd like to thank Boeing for recognizing past Boeing President William Allen, who gave much of his time to his community, by establishing the William Allen Award. If anyone's schedule was busy, with travel across America and the world in his work to establish Boeing in the modern jet age, his was.

In looking back at 20 years of regular volunteering, I've seen personal growth that would never have occurred if it had not been for getting involved in volunteering. Volunteers like myself have grown in immeasurable ways, which happens when you give-not to receive, but to make life better for others. Many of my most exciting and enjoyable times have come in meeting wonderful people working to make a difference.

-Mike Lough, Renton, Wash.

Editor's note: The William M. Allen Award recognizes Boeing employees who have made outstanding contributions to their communities through volunteer service. Founded in 1987 in honor of William M. Allen, president of Boeing from 1945 to 1968, the award celebrates Allen's deep commitment to community life. It is the only companywide, non-job-related award recognizing individual achievement at The Boeing Company.

Home repair

Your article "Networking Boeing diversity" (August 2004) has a caption under the photograph that states "the volunteers in a Habitat for Humanity home-renovation in St. Louis." This is not quite correct. The house they were working on was a new house construction, not a renovation. But, we are renovating neighborhoods. I am aware of that because I am very much involved in the Habitat for Humanity-St. Louis affiliate's building of houses in the St. Louis area. In any instance, we are very glad for the Boeing employees volunteering on this worthy program.

-Don Boekemeier, Chesterfield, Mo.

Diversity kudos

I commend Boeing Frontiers for an excellent job on the diversity articles in the August 2004 issue. The articles provided a well-balanced description of our diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity-compliance business responsibilities and Boeing's commitment to fulfill them. More importantly, the articles also served to educate our general population with accurate and concise information. Our site's Diversity Council also received feedback from our senior leadership staff on the excellent information covered in these articles. You deserve recognition for a job well done. Thank you.

-Yvonne Vargas, Canoga Park, Calif.

Amazed at dedication

I read your company magazine every month online and am very amazed at the dedication and management support that exist at Boeing. It's something that as an outsider makes me envy a company like yours.

Your magazine content is very different and always packs a punch. Your employees' dedication will definitely help us achieve 100 more years of powered flight, I'm sure of this. Being an aviation buff, I can say that your magazine will definitely sustain this yearning and love for flight.

Go Dreamliner! If you build it, they will come.

-Raymond Ng, Singapore

Letters guidelines

Boeing Frontiers provides the letters page for readers to state their opinions. The page is intended to encourage an exchange of ideas and information that stimulates dialogue on issues or events in the company or the aerospace industry. The opinions may not necessarily reflect those of The Boeing Company. Letters must include name, organization and a telephone number for verification purposes. Frontiers may edit letters for grammar, syntax and size.

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