November 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 7 
Special Features

2005 focus: Common processes

Laurette KoellnerThe topic of compensation and benefits is one of the many functions that fall under the responsibility of Laurette Koellner, Executive Vice President, Internal Services, for Boeing. Below, Koellner offers her views of Boeing's benefits offerings and discusses her areas of focus for 2005.

Q: What is your key focus for 2005?

A: We will all focus on common processes and systems as a way to further achieve business results by reducing a significant amount of unnecessary transaction costs. To become more common in HR, we realigned our entire function along key processes. Common HR processes help people to make seamless transitions between business units. When employees transfer or relocate, learning curves then become focused on learning the different business aspects, not learning about separate systems and processes. Also, continuing emphasis on enabling employee involvement throughout the company will be an ongoing strong point in 2005.

Q: As a company leader, what are your thoughts on Employee Involvement?

A: Boeing people continue to tell us that the most important enablers for high levels of engagement are being involved in decisions that affect their work, and being able to positively influence the processes and tools they use to perform their work. True employee involvement can take place in work environments where these enablers are real, where improvement ideas flow freely, where employee input and opinions are respected and where decisionmaking authority has been appropriately delegated. I believe we have an important untapped potential to significantly impact business results through employee involvement.

Q: How do you envision the future of benefits at Boeing?

A: I believe employees will become increasingly involved in their benefits selections in the coming years. We continue to add to the tools and resources available to help employees make educated decisions. Ongoing enhancements to TotalAccess (our personalized Human Resources information system) will continue to improve one-stop shopping for personalized pay, benefits and career information.

Q: Why does Boeing have the Performance Evaluation and Performance Development Partnership programs?

A: Boeing offers the PE and PDP programs to provide a structured format for developing goals that are in line with Boeing's strategy—and tools for tracking progress. PE and PDP discussions can help employees understand what they can do to achieve personal success and how they can contribute to the company's success. PEs and PDPs also give employees the chance to let managers know what's important to them, track how they're doing against their objectives, and develop an action plan to achieve individual and team goals. Our survey data shows us that teams that effectively use PEs and PDPs have higher Employee Satisfaction Index scores, and they contribute more to their businesses' success.

Q: There are so many pay and benefit programs at Boeing. What goes on behind the scenes to make them available?

A: Pay and benefits at Boeing can be very complex. We have teams of employees across the world whose jobs are enhancing our pay and benefits offerings, benchmarking to ensure they're competitive, working with external vendors, analyzing costs, and looking at employee survey results—all to make sure these programs meet the needs of employees and align with company strategy.

Q: Your title is different. Have you changed jobs?

A: My new title of Executive Vice President, Internal Services, is different; however, my job remains the same. Internal Services is just a better description for the various areas for which I'm responsible, including Shared Services Group, Human Resources and all areas of company Administration, including Community and Education Relations. I also serve as a member of the Boeing Executive Council, and am responsible for corporate international relationships with Africa, the Americas and Russia.


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