May 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 1 
Focus on Finance

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In March, Boeing made public a document that some financial experts consider to be the most important description of the company’s past financial performance, future risks and opportunities, and overall fiscal health. If you’re like most employees, though, you probably didn’t take time to read it.

Boeing Finance leadership believes you should.


In good form: How various SEC filings are different

The Form 10-K is one of several documents that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission requires publicly traded companies to issue in an effort to disclose information that investors should know.

Among the other key filings:

  • Form 10-Q: A document that reports the financial results for the quarter and notes any significant changes or events during that time frame. The SEC requires all U.S. public companies to issue a 10-Q, but unlike the 10-K, the 10-Q is unaudited.
  • Form 8-K: This document announces significant changes at a public company that might affect the company’s financial situation or the share value of its stock—and thus may be of interest to investors. Such changes could include a merger or acquisition, a name or address change, bankruptcy, or a change of auditors.



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