Front Page
Boeing Frontiers
March 2004
Volume 02, Issue 10
Boeing Frontiers
Cover Story

Who’s minding the shop? Boeing Security is

An IDS system is aiding security at Denver light-rail stations

Who’s minding the shop? Boeing Security isThey've offered a friendly greeting at the gate. They might even have jump-started your car that time the battery was dead. Experiences such as these give Boeing Security a positive image among Boeing people. But in the wake of once unimaginable terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001, are these security officers enough to protect the company?

Boeing employees only see a fraction of a multifaceted security and intelligence team that uses modern technology to identify and counteract security risks, Boeing Security said. By design, most of this work is done behind the scenes.

"It would be ill-advised for Boeing to reveal to everyone what our security operations look like," said Greg Gwash, chief security officer, Boeing Security and Fire Protection. "But there are a few facts they should remember if they are uncertain about the company's capabilities."

  • Boeing is one of the largest defense contractors in the United States. Winning contracts from the Department of Defense requires a highly advanced system of security, including professional expertise in matters of physical security and access control, protection of information, and security analysis and planning. Boeing is recognized as a leader in these fields. In 2001, the Defense Security Service awarded Boeing its highest industrial security award.
  • Boeing Security and Fire Protection employs experts in security threat assessment, emergency and hazardous materials response, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and disaster management, with affiliations at the local, state and federal levels. These experts frequently deliver training and presentations to national-level conferences on security and emergency-management issues. Boeing has a robust disaster preparedness and response capability at all its sites.
  • Boeing is a leadership member of many regional emergency management programs in communities where it has major facilities. The company shares information and plans with the government agencies on the front line of national and local emergency preparedness and homeland security programs.

"The credentials of Boeing Security and Fire Protection members attest to their abilities to keep Boeing prepared," said Gwash, a U.S. Army Special Forces veteran. The team includes former members of the FBI; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; other security, intelligence and defense agencies of the U.S. government; and local law enforcement and fire departments. "I believe that we have the right people and systems in place to provide Boeing with the security necessary to protect our people while preventing loss or damage to property and information," Gwash said.


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