Front Page
Boeing Frontiers
March 2004
Volume 02, Issue 10
Boeing Frontiers
Cover Story

One in a million

One in a MillionLocating potential security threats among the tremendous volume of people and cargo crossing borders might seem like trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. But by maximizing Boeing's expertise, Homeland Security & Services, a business unit of Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, intends to do just that.



Security’s on everyone’s mind

Security’s on everyone’s mindOther Boeing business units have applications that can help support homeland security efforts. Here's a look at some of the work being done.




On the right track

On the right trackPublic transit officials need to offer safe and reliable systems for riders to feel good about—and continue—riding buses, trains and light rail.

For the Denver Regional Transportation District, concerns about automobile break-ins and thefts at Park-n-Ride light rail stations have given rise to the deployment of a new security system that uses photo-realistic, three-dimensional visualization tools to give security personnel complete situational awareness from a computer workstation.


Who’s minding the shop? Boeing Security is

Who’s minding the shop? Boeing Security isThey've offered a friendly greeting at the gate. They might even have jump-started your car that time the battery was dead. Experiences such as these give Boeing Security a positive image among Boeing people. But in the wake of once unimaginable terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001, are these security officers enough to protect the company?

Boeing employees only see a fraction of a multifaceted security and intelligence team that uses modern technology to identify and counteract security risks, Boeing Security said. By design, most of this work is done behind the scenes.



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