July 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 3 
Special Features

The Slotted Wing Technology Development Team

The Slotted Wing Technology Development Team

How do you gain lift from an airplane wing to improve fuel economy without sacrificing speed? That's an aerodynamic challenge that has faced engineers from the dawn of the jet age. In the 1960s, experts found that by making slots in a wing section they could experimentally increase lift and improve speed during transonic flight. But without advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics, which allow us to mathematically predict air flow and its effects using a computer, they could not cost-effectively implement their ideas. Now, in partnership with NASA Langley, our team is developing tools and processes that will allow us to place this technology into future commercial and military aircraft. We have already completed designs of a slotted wing configuration on the 777 that show an improved speed capability. We're proud to be working on a project that promises to help build a strong future for Boeing by lowering the cost of our airplanes. We are showing that Boeing and its partners will always find a way to make good ideas work.

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Doug McLean Doug McLean
Boeing Technical Fellow, Aerodynamics
  Dave Witkowski Dave Witkowski
High-Speed Aero Engineer
Dave Pitera

Dave Pitera
Associate Technical Fellow, Aerodynamics

  Dave Bogue Dave Bogue
Aero Stability and Control Engineer
Steve Wells Steve Wells
Low-Speed Lead Engineer
  Wendy Lacy Wendy Lacy
High Speed Lead Engineer and Team Leader


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