July 2004 
Volume 03, Issue 3 
Main Feature

Hands across the water

European Union flagAs a global enterprise with a focus on large-scale systems integration, it's imperative that Boeing align itself with strong industry suppliers and partners. Aerospace corporations that offer the expertise and technology Boeing needs are located around the globe-and many of the company's key relationships have been forged in Europe.

The continent is home to not only this month's Farnborough Air Show, which takes place every other year in the United Kingdom, but also many Boeing customers, some of whom have ties to the company that span more than six decades. By working with European firms that possess unique and valuable technologies, Boeing keeps itself competitive in the global marketplace. This two-way partnership has paid dividends for both sides over the years in ways that can't be measured solely in terms of platforms built, parts provided and currency exchanged.


Friends, amis, amici, amigos, Freunde—in any language

Boeing's relationships with European suppliers and partners reach back more than 60 years. Listed here are some of the company's other alliances with aerospace firms on the continent.



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