December 2004/January 2005 
Volume 03, Issue 8 
Special Features

Peer approval

Joyce Tucker, and James BellHere are some of the major awards presented to Boeing technical and engineering people during 2004.

American Indian Science & Engineering Society
Executive Excellence: Rick Stephens

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIAA Fellows: Phil Cassady, Jim Evatt, Bob Krieger, Bob Spitzer, Hung Ban Tran

Associate Fellows: William Atwell, Pamela
Drew, Edmund Field, David Hyde, Jim Jamieson,
Thomas Kaemming, Terri Morse,
Dennis Muilenburg, Joan Robinson-Berry,
Robert Stuever, Gerhard Seidel, David Shaw,
Krishna Viswanathan

Astronautics Structure, Structural Dynamics
and Material Award:
Bhatia Kumar

American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Fellow: John Tracy

Asian American Engineer of the Year
2004 award winners: Shreekant Agrawal, Lawrence Dong, Viet Nguyen

Black Engineer of the Year
Lifetime Achievement Award: Henry Grooms

Pioneer Award: Joseph Mills

Modern Day Technology: Michael Avery, Michael Emanuel

Congressional Black Caucus
Hall of Fame: Joan Robinson-Berry

Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference
Executive Excellence: Mike Cave

Luminary Award: Monica Jacinto

National Association of Asian American Professionals
Technical Excellence Award: Philip Leung

National Society of Black Engineers
Lifetime Achievement in Industry Award: Henry Grooms

Pioneer of the Year Award: Clark Johnson

Organization of Chinese Americans
Asian American Corporate Achievement Award: Steven Goo

Presidential Award
Ghana Aerospace Award: Joan Robinson-Berry

Royal Aeronautic Engineering Society
Fellows: Mike Bair, Scott Carson, Phil Cassady, Mike Cave, Ray Cosner, Leo Dadone, Gina DiSimone, Lou Mancini, Bob Krieger, Michael McVeigh, Nicole Piasecki, Hank Queen, Thad Sandford, Peter Wu

Dwight Simulation Silver Medal: Robert Curnutt

Society of Hispanic Engineers
Technical Achievement: Daniel Ortega

Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Technical leadership: Willy Geary

Fellow: Pat Shanahan

Society of Women Engineers
Distinguished Service Award: Marsha Mieli

Women In Aviation
Aviation Pioneer Hall of Fame: Nelda Lee

Women of Color in Technology
Diversity Leadership: Joyce Tucker

Special Recognition: Terri He

Technology & Business All Stars: Winnie Choy, Bavan Holloway, Anna Johnson, Verett Mims, Darcel Stewart, Feria Ying

Rising Stars: Chandra Baker, Hoai Le, Helen Lee, Monica Shah

Other awards
Alan Wiechman received The Pioneer of Stealth Award. The award is in recognition of visionary leadership and trailblazing contributions of enduring national significance in the development of low observable technology.


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