Boeing Frontiers
September 2003
Volume 02, Issue 05
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Ethics training module online

The second module of Boeing's three-part 2003 Ethics Challenge Web-based training went online last month, continuing a new approach aimed at making ethics training more interesting and effective while increasing ethics awareness throughout the year.

The 20-minute interactive segment builds on a single story line that involves characters in an ethical decision-making dilemma aboard a hypothetical space station of the future, according to Gale Andrews, vice president for Ethics and Business Conduct. Module two features a new character—Amina, the station's Chief of Engineering—while Science Officer Chen faces strong pressure to make a decision that, if wrong, could disgrace her in the eyes of Commander Stevens and end her career.

Similar to the first training module, the second scenario requires difficult decisions that become complicated by business pressures, loyalties and friendships, Andrews said. Participants select a course of action and experience the consequences of their choices.

The new training format requires more discussion and thought as participants proceed through a scenario that may have no obvious right or wrong answers, Andrews said.

The main focus of the 2003 Ethics Challenge training is how the ethical decisions we make every day can affect both us personally and the company as a whole, Andrews said. The program also explores accountability in ethical decision-making and underscores the need to act with integrity and operate in a culture of openness, where groups and work teams practice open and honest communications.

Complementing and coordinating with the companywide ethics training are business unit-specific programs, such as the July 30 "Recommitment to Ethics" training attended by more than 75,000 employees from Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Phantom Works and Shared Services Group. An independent review of Boeing policies and procedures regarding ethics and the handling of competitive information, headed by former U.S. Senator Warren B. Rudman, is scheduled to be completed by mid-October.

The ethics training program is mandatory for all employees. The preferred method of delivery is a Web-based, manager-led group session. Individual online training is available for Boeing people who work at a remote location or are newly hired or absent during group training.

Boeing released the first 2003 Challenge training module in June, with the third and final module scheduled to be available by yearend. For more information on Boeing's Ethics programs and policies, and to access the 2003 Ethics Challenge, employees can check the company intranet at

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