Boeing Frontiers
September 2003
Volume 02, Issue 05
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
New and Notable

Employee survey trends rise

Six of the 12 Employee Satisfaction Index scores in this year's Boeing Employee Survey exceeded or were equal to industry benchmarks, indicating solid progress toward the company goal to achieve overall employee satisfaction scores similar to the top 25 percent of "premier" companies.

The Boeing Employee Satisfaction Index, which is based on the responses to 12 key workplace questions within the survey, rose to 58 percent positive this year, up 2 points compared with last year. This is Boeing's highest ESI score since it developed the index in 1993.


Ethics training module online

The second module of Boeing's three-part 2003 Ethics Challenge Web-based training went online last month, continuing a new approach aimed at making ethics training more interesting and effective while increasing ethics awareness throughout the year.

The 20-minute interactive segment builds on a single story line that involves characters in an ethical decision-making dilemma aboard a hypothetical space station of the future, according to Gale Andrews, vice president for Ethics and Business Conduct. Module two features a new character—Amina, the station's Chief of Engineering—while Science Officer Chen faces strong pressure to make a decision that, if wrong, could disgrace her in the eyes of Commander Stevens and end her career.


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