Boeing Frontiers
September 2003
Volume 02, Issue 05
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Key congressmen tour 767 Tanker mod line

Key congressmen tour 767 Tanker mod lineTwo key U.S. congressional supporters of the proposed lease of Boeing KC-767A tankers to the U.S. Air Force got a close-up view of the program on Aug. 12.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and U.S. Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), along with Boeing Integrated Defense Systems President and CEO Jim Albaugh and 767 Tanker Program Vice President Bob Gower, toured the IDS Development and Modification Center in Wichita, Kan., to see the first 767 Tanker modification in work and view other Aerospace Support modification and support programs.

"Whenever there has been a roadblock to this program, Speaker Hastert has been there to clear them," Tiahrt said of the 767 tanker lease proposal.

Hastert and Tiahrt viewed the first 767 to be modified into a tanker that Boeing will deliver to the Italian Air Force in 2005.

Three of the four U.S. congressional committees whose approval is needed for the lease of 100 KC-767As to the U.S. Air Force have approved the bill.

"As we've said from the start, we won't enter into a lease agreement unless it provides a needed asset to the warfighter in a manner that provides the best value to the taxpayer," Gower said. "We remain confident that when the facts are reviewed, the lease proposal will stand on its own merits."

Hastert also visited the 767 production line in Everett, Wash., on Aug. 21.


Phantom Works manager keeps eye on the future

As the general manager for Boeing Phantom Works supplier management and procurement, Dina Hyde often works on teams with representatives from companies across the nation and from U.S. agencies.

And last month, the St. Louis Business Journal profiled her as one of the area's most influential businesswomen, thanks to her role in Boeing's newest high-tech initiatives.

Most recently, Hyde has led the Boeing effort with six other leading aerospace companies and the Pentagon, Federal Aviation Administration and NASA on a goal of opening up national air space to unmanned air vehicles to help with everything from homeland security to spotting tuna for fishermen. The initiative is called UNITE, or the UAV National Industry Team. She also was a part of Boeing collaboration with 10 other companies in an effort to capture the U.S. Department of Defense contract to build the Joint Strike Fighter.


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