Boeing Frontiers
September 2003
Volume 02, Issue 05
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Cover Story

Learning Takes Wing

Learning Takes WingBoeing is sharpening its focus on supporting education in the community with a new strategy to be more efficient, effective and targeted—and to assist the greatest number of students possible.

Boeing has always been a strong proponent of education both inside and outside the company, said Phil Condit, chairman and CEO. Internally, the company actively encourages Boeing people to practice lifelong learning, and since 1998, more than 95,000 Boeing employees have participated in the Boeing Learning Together Program, one of the most comprehensive and flexible corporate tuition reimbursement programs in the world.


The Old College Try

The Old College TryProfessional sports teams use a "feeder system" of minor league and college teams to make sure their rosters are stocked with potential superstars. High-tech-driven companies like Boeing do the same.

By building long-term relationships with about 280 "focus" colleges and universities worldwide, Boeing helps ensure that these institutions equip a diverse group of students with the technical and business skills most needed for success on the future company playing field. But that hardly means that top-quality graduates from other schools are out of the game.


Diversity School partnerships help drive innovation

Boeing embraces the idea that diversity of people, thought, teams and culture are the true drivers for innovation—a key to the company’s future growth.

That’s why Boeing has worked hard over the years to establish strong, long-term relationships with a wide range of Diversity Schools, including Historically Black Colleges & Universities. While representing only 3 percent of America’s 4,084 institutions of higher learning, HBCUs enroll 14 percent of all African-American students in higher education.


Intern Evolution

Intern EvolutionBy definition, an intern is a student or recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training. Through its commitment to education and lifelong learning, Boeing has taken that definition one step further: It looks at today's interns as tomorrow's employees.

In a world that places employment value on expertise and knowledge, internships have become strategically important for both the interns and the companies which they work. The competitive challenges facing college graduates have resulted new breed of interns walking the halls—serious, determined, and ready to succeed.



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