Boeing Frontiers
October 2003
Volume 02, Issue 06
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Main Feature


PURSUING PEAK PERFORMANCE You might not think a pro basketball player would have much in common with an airplane mechanic for the Boeing 737. But you might change your mind after talking with Dr. Judy Molin (right).

To perform well at work or sports, you need to practice the basics of self-care, said Molin, a physician in the Boeing Medical clinic in Auburn, Wash. "There aren't any shortcuts. You can't take a magic pill or buy some fancy exercise equipment to get there quicker or easier," she said.

Before joining Boeing, Molin was a sports-medicine doctor for pro sports teams in the Phoenix area, including the National Basketball Association Suns, the Women's National Basketball Association Mercury, the National Hockey League Coyotes, and the Arena Football League Arizona Rattlers.

"One of the things I find most inspiring at Boeing," Molin said, "is employees' loyalty. Almost more so than professional athletes, Boeing people give their best because they want their teams at work to do well."

Molin offers seven basic tips for self-care, listed below. Does the doctor practice what she preaches? "I don't know anyone who follows all the guidelines all the time, and I'm no exception," Molin said. "But my two Schnauzers see to it that I walk every day; I do yoga or Pilates [exercises] three or four days a week; I work out with hand weights at least three times a week. And I mostly eat well-balanced meals—including the occasional chocolate that's part of that balance for me."

If you'd like help with following any of Molin's guidelines, you have a variety of Boeing resources to draw upon. Employees and their families can find out what's available in their locations by visiting

— Cynthia Pulham

1 One size does not fit all. Ask your primary care provider to help you develop a wellness program that's right for you. Your personal doctor can help you pursue your personal goals, even if you have a special medical consideration like high blood pressure.

2 Seek other kinds of professional help in tailoring a program that will work for you, not against you. You may want to see a registered dietician or a nutritionist. Exercise professionals can help you develop or "freshen" your exercise program. "And wear the right shoes!" Molin cautioned.

3 Drink a minimum of eight to 10 glasses of non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic fluids every day. And if you're an active exerciser, adjust upwards.

4 Get your rest. If you have a hard time sleeping, or if you're sleepy during the day, put some effort into finding out why. "Getting the right amount of sleep for you is not a luxury," Molin said.

5 Manage your stress. We've all got it. The trick is learning to deal with it effectively. Molin recommends dedicating at least 15 minutes every day to non-stimulating relaxation activities such as meditating, reading or listening to quiet music. If your circumstances make it difficult or impossible to de-stress, a mental-health professional can help you.

6 Exercise. Molin recommends the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, which call for aerobic exercise, as well as strength and flexibility training.

7 Do something you love every day. Molin said this guideline is as important as the others: "When you're taking time to make yourself happy, you're far more likely to achieve the balance that's crucial to well-being."



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