Boeing Frontiers
October 2003
Volume 02, Issue 06
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Cover Story

Crate Expectations

CRATE EXPECTATIONS Imagine this: Bunches of exotic flowers get picked, arranged in vases and wrapped for purchase before they're shipped aboard a cargo freighter in Kenya. Less than 24 hours later, they're ready for sale at a grocer's in London.

Ripe, succulent tomatoes picked in Holland and Australia find their way into restaurant kitchens and supermarkets in Hong Kong.

And a pair of au courant corduroy cargo jeans—made from threads in South Korea, cut and stitched together with cloth in China, closed with a zipper made in Japan, and assembled in Thailand—winds up on a store rack in Los Angeles. Talk about a pair of pants with real legs.


They carry the load

Boeing freighter airplanes serve the diverse needs of the world’s air cargo carriers. Here’s a look at the current and planned freighter
airplanes from Boeing, along with their range (in nautical miles and kilometers) and capacity.




Change managementChange management

Once an airline customer decides it's more profitable for one of its passenger airplanes to carry cargo rather than people, it often turns to Boeing for a conversion. The process gives the airplane a new lease on life while creating an additional revenue stream for the carrier.

Last year, Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, which oversees a range of passenger-to-freighter and combi-to-freighter conversions for Boeing and Douglas airplane models, managed this process for 36 airplanes. CAS bases its conversion forecasts on the Current Market Outlook, evaluating the current needs of the air cargo industry and the residual value of the airplanes currently in the global fleet.



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