Boeing Frontiers
May 2003
Volume 02, Issue 01
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Special Feature

$5+ billion Amount of money Payroll deposited directly into employees accounts in 2002

$67,631,593 The money Boeing spent on tuition reimbursement in 2002.

4,451,100+ The number of prescriptions filled for Boeing employees, retirees and their families in 2002.

2.6 million Number of vacation days earned by Boeing employees in 2002

$394,585 Money paid for National Merit Scholarships for children of Boeing employees in 2002.

10,944 Employees who participated in jury duty in 2002

9,022 The number of new children added to Boeing employees' health care coverage in 2002.

Nearly 300 Boeing Recreation clubs and leagues available across the US.

70 Countries where Boeing has one or more people.

5 The number of years Boeing's military leave pay and benefits can be extended for reservist employees who are called to serve under Sept. 11 or Iraq war-related orders.

0 The number of times a payroll has been missed, even in the face of earthquakes and bad weather.



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