Boeing Frontiers
May 2003
Volume 02, Issue 01
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Special Feature

Online “house calls” from the experts at Mayo Clinic

Free Flu Shots

BoeingWellness Web siteWith 20,000+ health-dedicated websites on the Internet, deciding where to go for factual, research-based information can be enough to send a person surfing for headache remedies. Now Boeing employees and their families will have a single, reliable source for health answers they can trust:

This new eHealth portal—powered and maintained by the world-renowned Mayo Clinic— will be rolled out to Boeing people worldwide between May-August 2003.

Users will have access to a library of up-to-date health news, decision guides, and interactive wellness tools for losing weight, managing stress, exercising and staying on top of chronic conditions such as asthma and headaches. They can submit questions to Mayo Clinic physicians and sign up for healthy-lifestyle support services. All of this content is developed and frequently updated by Mayo Clinic experts, and much of it has been tested with patients.

"People are taking a more proactive approach to managing their personal well-being," said Mike Brennan, manager of companywide wellness programs at Boeing. "And it's critical they have credible and understandable health information. That's why Boeing partnered with Mayo to create"

Because the site is administered for Boeing by Mayo Clinic, employees and their families can access it from any computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week—whether they're at home or at work. They will also have Mayo Clinic's guarantee for complete privacy.

In addition, users will also get timely information about programs, services, and events that are offered exclusively to Boeing employees and family members. These include Boeing fitness centers, the Employee Assistance Program, and health fairs and seminars. Because users register when they visit the first time, they only see information specific to their areas.

"That's another advantage to having a site like," Brennan said. "People are interested in getting trustworthy information off the Internet, but they're also interested in connecting with people, events, and other resources. The eHealth site offers it all—tailored to our Boeing people.

"Following the mergers, we realized that we had a patchwork of wellness programs at various locations," Brennan said. "Our team is integrating and developing tools that every member of the Boeing community can access, regardless of where they live and work.

"For example, we launched a 'quit-tobacco' program last year that all employees can use—whether they're in Nebraska or Nepal," Brennan said. ", along with the Harmony health letter, will allow people to stay informed and take advantage of everything that's available to them."



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