Boeing Frontiers
May 2003
Volume 02, Issue 01
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Special Feature

Unlock your potential with learning resources

Boeing people around the world have a wide range of training opportunities. These include the company's Learning Together tuition-reimbursement program, instructor-led and online classes, interactive videos, CD-ROMs, television broadcasts, videotapes, and on-the-job training.

These training opportunities support the company's "lifelong employability" strategy. Although Boeing provides the tools, means and opportunities, it is the individual's responsibility to take action. While Boeing seeks to retain its workers, the lifelong employability strategy helps provide employees with transferable skills, increasing their "marketability" for other jobs inside and outside the company.

A leading edge program

Boeing's Learning Together tuition reimbursement program is one of the most generous in any industry. Learning Together pays 100 percent of the cost of coursework on any subject from credited schools or universities, whether it relates to the employee's job or not.

Since the Learning Together program began in 1998, more than 88,000 Boeing employees have participated, resulting in more than 4,200 undergraduate and 3,700 advanced degrees. On average, 27,500 employees take courses each year through the program.

Boeing "schools"

Boeing's seven Learning Centers include classrooms and access to the full range of learning materials. They provide more than 3,200 self-paced courses. The Leadership Center in St. Louis offers programs to develop leadership skills for people at all levels. Since the St. Louis Center opened in 1999, some 43,000 people have attended its programs, courses and seminars.

Thousands of learning opportunities

Training professionals at Boeing who lead more than 2,000 classes ranging from industrial skills and certification programs to computing and business awareness. Employees accessing The Learning, Education, And Development website at can find out about specialized curricula, Boeing Education Network classes, leadership development opportunities, and certification classes.

Joint company-union learning programs

Boeing also has some progressive company-union learning programs. As part of joint programs with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the Quality Through Training Program offers programs for training, retraining, and personal growth, to support the shared continuous improvement process. The program has helped employees cope with technology and workplace changes, redeployment, and achieving individual goals since it began in 1989.

Another example of company-union learning programs is the Ed Wells Initiative. Named for a respected engineer, this joint Boeing-Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace program provides training, career development, mentoring, workshops and technology interest groups. This program was launched in 1995.

Combining the employee involvement and training initiatives, the company and the United Automobile, Aerospace and Agriculture Workers established the Employee Involvement Training Organization for UAW-represented employees in Southern California and Oklahoma. This program provides training on the principles of Employee Involvement and new technologies.


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