Boeing Frontiers
March 2003
Volume 01, Issue 10
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Boeing in the News
A flight that can't be 'beat'

Alan White, a drummer with the legendary rock band Yes, took the ride of a lifetime last month when he went for a VIP flight with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels at their winter training base at Naval Air Facility El Centro, Calif. The Blue Angels fly in Boeing-built F/A-18 Hornet fighters.

White flew with Lt. Craig "Merlin" Olson for about 35 minutes. During the flight, White experienced many of the team's famous air show maneuvers, including flying inverted at 200 feet above the desert floor, flying just under the speed of sound, and assorted rolls, dives and high-speed turns.

British-born White's musical career also has experienced highs, such as playing drums on John Lennon's "Imagine" and "Instant Karma."

Women's flight

Women's flight For the first time, an all-female crew flew a KC-135 Stratotanker air refueling mission over Afghanistan. The mission was Jan. 31. Pictured clockwise from lower left are 1st Lt. Alison, Capts. Heather and Waynetta, and Senior Airman Lyndi, all from the 376th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron. Their last names were witheld for security.


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