Boeing Frontiers
June 2003
Volume 02, Issue 02
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Focus on Finance
Ensuring integrity

Concerns over good corporate governance and financial accuracy and transparency led in part to the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which calls for measures to help protect the interest of investors and maintain the integrity of the U.S. securities markets. Among the stipulations set forth by this bill, which becomes law this summer, publicly traded companies such as Boeing are required to have a formal code of ethics for all senior financial officers.


Investors, analysts hear Boeing business briefings

Investors and securities analysts listened last month to briefings by Boeing senior executives, visited the Boeing Integration Center and viewed the C-17 and 717 production lines during Boeing's annual investor conference in Los Angeles.

The two-day conference gave more than 150 investors and analysts an opportunity to interact with Boeing's senior management members and learn how the company is delivering value to shareholders. The conference is held at a different Boeing site each year.

Boeing Chairman and CEO Phil Condit presented a positive outlook to analysts, highlighting the strength of Boeing's leadership team and the company's continued intense focus on operating performance, particularly under current market conditions.

"The transformation we started nearly a decade ago continues because we have the right vision, the right balance, the right strategy and the right people," Condit said.


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