Boeing Frontiers
February 2003
Volume 01, Issue 09
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F/A-22 RaptorNellis AFB gets its first F/A-22

The U.S. Air Force's Air Warfare Center at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., in January commemorated the arrival of its first F/A-22 Raptor. The Air Force will use the aircraft, Raptor 12, initially to teach operational test pilots and maintenance personnel how to fly and repair the aircraft safely and effectively. Eventually, pilots will use the aircraft and seven forthcoming F/A-22s assigned to the unit to develop the tactics, techniques and procedures for future combat. In addition, the first Air Force maintenance training classes began last month at Nellis, utilizing Boeing classrooms and labs, in preparation for Raptor 12's arrival. Boeing builds the F/A-22's wings and aft fuselage sections, and is responsible for avionics integration and testing, as well as training.

ATM adds new VP

Gina DeSimone joins Air Traffic Management as vice president of Engineering & Programs, effective Feb. 3. She replaces Dennis Muilenburg, who has taken on a new role as vice president, Future Combat Systems Milestone B program manager. In accordance with ATM's new organizational structure, DeSimone will oversee the execution of ATM programs and engineering activities that support the business unit's goals. She will also serve as a member of ATM President John Hayhurst's leadership team. DeSimone, who is currently the senior site executive at the Boeing facility in Huntsville, Ala., will be based in ATM's McLean, Va., office.

Sea Launch retained for Intelsat mission

Sea Launch has negotiated an agreement with Intelsat to reassign an earlier launch contract to a future payload requirement. Following Intelsat's decisions to terminate the Intelsat 10-01 mission, slated for a 2003 launch on a Sea Launch Zenit-3SL rocket, and launch the Intelsat 10-02 payload on a Proton vehicle, Intelsat elected to negotiate with Sea Launch for a firm future launch service. "We are delighted that we have been successful in negotiating a continuation of this contract," said Ramu Potarazu, president of Intelsat Global Service Corp. Boeing is a 40-percent partner in Long Beach, Calif.-based Sea Launch.

Enhanced-security flight deck door certification complete

Boeing on Jan. 9 received certification for two 747 enhanced security flight deck door configurations. The certifications mean that Boeing has received approval for all of its Boeing twin-aisle offerings —11 configurations of the 747, 767 and 777. The Interiors Center of Excellence for Commercial Aviation Services has contracted to deliver 1,500 door kits in time for airline customers to meet the federally mandated date of April 9, 2003. To date, it has delivered more than 50 percent of the kits.

First Delta IV at VAFB

The Jan. 19 arrival of the Boeing Delta IV rocket at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., puts the U.S. Air Force one step closer to launching its first West Coast Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle mission. The Delta IV fairing and common booster core, which includes the Rocketdyne RS-68 main engine, was transported aboard the Motor Vessel Delta Mariner from the Boeing rocket manufacturing plant in Decatur, Ala., to Space Launch Complex 6 at Vandenberg. While at SLC-6, the common booster core will be mated with the second stage and launch mate unit at the Horizontal Integration Facility, in preparation for the launch of a satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office. The mission is scheduled for the end of 2003.

X-50AX-50A gets the go-ahead for flight test

Boeing's Dragonfly Flight Certification Board and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency have given the green light to the X-50A Dragonfly to begin flight testing. The go-ahead came after review of the rotorcraft's systems testing program at the Boeing facility in Mesa, Ariz. "This is a great day for the X-50A program," said Gary Gallagher, Canard Rotor/ Wing Systems manager. "We are proud of the remarkable progress made by the X-50A's team that enabled us to reach this milestone. And we are excited about the tremendous potential this product has for our future customers. We're looking forward to a successful flight test program." The X-50A combines the vertical takeoff and landing capabilities of a helicopter with the high-subsonic cruise speed and agility of a fixed-wing jet aircraft.

Rocketdyne to provide space plane system

Lockheed Martin has selected Rocketdyne Propulsion & Power to provide the liquid propulsion system for its Pad Abort Demonstration for NASA's Orbital Space Plane program. Boeing Rocketdyne's 200,000-pound-thrust propulsion system will be used to launch the PAD vehicle and demonstrate key escape and recovery systems applicable to future manned Orbital Space Plane needs. NASA recently awarded Lockheed Martin a contract of up to $53 million, including options, for the work as part of the space agency's Orbital Space Plane project that is part of the Space Launch Initiative Cycle 2 TA-10 program.

Job-shadow hosts needed

Boeing is partnering with Junior Achievement and local school districts in the Puget Sound area to participate in National Groundhog Job Shadow Day on March 13. The company needs volunteers to host high school students participating in Junior Achievement by providing the opportunity for students to observe what professionals and skilled workers do on the job. Students in grades 9 through 12 (ages 14 through 18) who have completed a previsit assignment are eligible to participate. Eligible children of Boeing employees also can take part by "shadowing" their parents. The limit to the number of job shadows and parent hosts will vary by site. Each student will spend about four hours observing and asking questions during the job shadow. Boeing has designed the event to help students with career planning by providing a real-world experience in the work environment and is inviting employees in all skill codes to volunteer; students will be matched to hosts by sites. In addition, organizers will match Information Technology volunteers with students taking computer science courses whenever possible. Employees who would like to host a Junior Achievement student or their own child should visit jobshadow. The deadline is Feb. 20.

Paul Potgieter and Laurette KoellnerKoellner's visit strengthens Boeing's relationship with Africa

Laurette Koellner, executive vice president, Office of the Chairman, in January visited two Boeing suppliers in Johannesburg, South Africa. Koellner met with company officials from Aerosud and Denel Aviation and toured Aerosud's new manufacturing facility. Koellner participated in the African Growth and Opportunities Act Forum in Mauritius. She spoke to a crowd of African business leaders and government officials about logistical challenges in Africa and the importance of strengthening trade relationships. AGOA is a U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum providing American and African businesses and government policy makers an opportunity to network and think strategically about how to promote viable trade relations.


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