Boeing Frontiers
February 2003
Volume 01, Issue 09
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools
Focus on Finance
Clearing the air on pensions

Clearing the air on pensionsRichard Cole, a finance manager with Shared Services Group in Bellevue, Wash., plans to retire in a few years. To better prepare for this, Cole has taken advantage of an enhancement to Boeing's Voluntary Investment Plan savings program.

Boeing has raised the VIP's employee contribution limit to 20 percent of base pay, up from 15 percent. After calculating how many dollars would move from his paycheck to his VIP account, Cole, 61, elected to increase his VIP contribution to more than 15 percent.

"Retirement income is a real critical issue at my stage in life. I need to build up my [VIP account] so I have greater income flow after retirement," Cole said. "I'm very pleased to see the company raise the limit to 20 percent." Prior to the increase, data shows roughly one-third of those who contributed to the VIP were doing so at the maximum level.


VIP enhancements mouse clicks away

Participants in the Voluntary Investment Plan can use the Boeing Savings Plans Online Web site ( to take advantage of the program's new features, discussed on Page 40. According to VIP program officials, the new feature that plan participants appear to be most interested in is creating a customizable statement.

To create a customizable VIP statement from any computer with Internet access, participants should follow these instructions:

  • Log on to the Web site, and click on the Boeing Company VIP link.
  • Click on My Statement, in the upper left.
  • Click on Generate Statement, in the middle of the screen.
  • Specify the period for which you would like your statement.
  • Note which statement sections will be displayed. To omit a section, click on the section name and click on the arrow pointing to the box titled Sections not to Display.
  • Click on Generate Statement.



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