Boeing Frontiers
February 2003
Volume 01, Issue 09
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Commercial Airplanes

Nose to NoseThe last thing one might expect to see is two competing airplanes—a Boeing 737-800 and an Airbus A320—positioned nose-to-nose on a tarmac as if sizing up one another. Yet this is exactly what happened one warm October day at Sydney Airport in Australia.

It began in September 2001, just a few months after Rick Westmoreland, Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice president, Australia and Pacific Islands Sales, had agreed to direct Boeing's commercial airplane sales activity in Australia.


A step into the futureA step into the future

Remember when the only entertainment options on a domestic flight were a couple of battered magazines? Well, the people of the Cabin Systems Technology Center are working to see that all Boeing airplanes, even the single- aisle, short-hop models, can offer all the electronic features you enjoy, even depend upon, at work or in your home.

Thanks to the Cabin Systems team, airline passengers soon will be able to select and watch movies on the screen in front of their seats on 737s and 757s, just as they can on the 747 and 777. They may even some day be able to surf the net, play video games or buy a chess set on eBay.


‘Moonshine Wars’ knock back solutions‘Moonshine Wars’ knock back solutions

They called it "Moonshine Wars," but with a massive red balloon hovering over a room full of mock-ups, it looked more like a science fair than a war zone.

Boeing Lean Manufacturing gathered 16 teams of manufacturing employees—from mechanics to engineers—in the big executive auditorium in the former Seattle headquarters building late last year to participate in an unusual competition. They were there to demonstrate how some crack cross-functional teams are sharpening the world-class Boeing production system.



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