Front Page
Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers

Special Features

Cover picture


Boeing Chief Technology Officer Jim Jamieson:
‘ Recognize and inspire engineers, technologists'

Engineering gifts to the world
Boeing engineers and technologists made enormous contributions to the 20th century. They will play an even more important role in the 21st century

Meeting the challenges
The chief engineers at Boeing business units describe their finest achievements and some of the toughest challenges that lie ahead.

Defining the future
Phantom Works engineers, scientists and technologists are working on enabling technologies that could lead to yet-unimagined products.

The value of lessons learned
From success and failure, Boeing engineers are flowing valuable performance-improvement lessons learned into new or different programs

To acknowledge and encourage its engineering and scientific talent, Boeing has instituted a companywide Invention Award program that rewards outstanding innovators. Last year, the program paid $500,000 to the winners in two categories,Special Invention Awards and Exceptional Invention Award.

Challenge, a semiannual editorial supplement of Boeing Frontiers magazine, focuses on engineering and technology and is distributed to all Boeing employees.

Above: Mike Costas (from left), deputy program manager of Expendable Launch Services; Lynne Haas, Integrated Product Team lead; and John Vilja, program director of Next Generation Launch Technology, monitor rocket engine information at the Rocketdyne Operation Support Center in Canoga Park, Calif. Photo by Keith Skelton


Publisher: James Jamieson
Editorial director: Dave Phillips
Editor: William Cole
Art director: Jamey Fry
Online Editor: Don Schmidt

Address correspondence to:
Editor, Challenge
Mailcode: S100 1195
P.O. Box 516
St. Louis MO 63166-0516

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