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Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Special Features

Prizes for excellence

Prizes for excellenceBoeing people are helping to shape professional and technical standards and build the image of Boeing as an industry leader by participating in some of the world's most prestigious professional awards programs.

"External awards programs give us opportunities to improve our professional development and provide value to Boeing by connecting with industry practitioners and peers," said Joan Robinson-Berry, Boeing deputy vice president of External Technical Affiliations. "By winning these awards our employees make a direct contribution to our reputation as a global, diverse leader in aerospace."

Many external affiliations provide opportunities for a variety of awards that can be nominated at local levels through affiliation sections and chapters.

Here is a wrap-up of some of the awards presented to Boeing individuals and teams in 2003, along with their Boeing business unit affiliation*:

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
New AIAA Fellows: Peter Kurzhals, IDS; Sherman Seltzer,
IDS Distinguished Service Award: John Swihart (retired), WHQ
Digital Avionics Award: Reginald Varga, IDS

Black Engineer of the Year Award
Chairman's Award: Miller Adams, PW
Outstanding Technical Contribution in Industry: James Peck, IDS
Dean's Award: Frank Weaver, WDCO Modern Day Technology Leader: Olympia LePoint, IDS

Engineering Academy of Slovenia
Inducted as first honorary member:Joe Sutter (retired), BCA

Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology magazine
One of the 50 most important Hispanics in business and technology: Arturo Rosales, IDS

Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference
Professional Achievement Award: Mona Simpson, IDS
Hall of Fame Awards: Roberto Duffy, IDS; Jose Font, BCA; Joan Robinson-Berry, WHQ; Robert Spitzer, WHQ; Dave Swain, IDS

International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences/AIAA
von Karmann Award: X-31A team, PW
Outstanding Leadership: Ron Bengelink (retired), BCA National Association of Asian American


National Association of Asian American Professionals
Technical Excellence: Hung "Ban" Tran, PW
Lifetime Achievement Award: George Yamamura (retired), PW

National Society of Black Engineers Distinguished
Engineer of the Year: David Blanding, PW

Organization of Chinese Americans
Asian American Corporate Achievement Award: Mahesh Reddy, IDS; Ted Yamamura, BCA
Asian-American Engineer of the Year Award: Charlotte Lin, IDS; Andy Wu, BCA; Hyoung- Man Kim, IDS

Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering
George Lublin Memorial Award: George Muellner, IDS

Society of Automotive Engineers
International Kolk Air Transportation Award:Bob Spitzer, WHQ

Society of Flight Test Engineers
Kelly Johnson Award: X-31A team, PW

Women of Color in Technology
Career Achievement: Charlotte Lin, IDS
Business and Technology All-Stars: Vann Heng, IDS; Kathy Kim, IDS; Carolyn Lowe, IDS; Audrey Musgrove, IDS; Susan Ying, PW; Katheryn Pertum, IDS; Wendy Roll, PW; Joan Wada, IDS
Rising All Star: Susie McMichael, WHQ


Boeing also submits nominations to the awards programs of many other professional organizations.

* Key to business unit affiliations:
BCA: Boeing Commercial Airplanes
IDS: Integrated Defense Systems
PW: Phantom Works
WDCO: Washington, D.C. Operations
WHQ: World Headquarters
Among them:
American National Standards Institute
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society of Metals
Industrial Research Institute
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Mexican American Engineers Society
National Aeronautics Association
Royal Aeronautical Society
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Society Of Women Engineers
Women in Aerospace
Women in the Pipeline
Women in Aviation


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