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Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Special Features
A special list for 2003

Boeing innovators are using their exceptional and special talents to produce inventionss


Each year Boeing presents Special Invention Awards in honor of "inventions of significant value to the company." Following is the list of the 2003 Special Invention Award winners.


Emergency Power Assist Door Opening Firing Circuit: Douglas York, Randall Kellar, David Bennett, Michael Ernst

Avionic Door Lock System:
Darrell Gaston, Binh Truong, Dwight Schaeffer, Shannon Kupfer, Paul Bandy

Intruder Resistant, Wide-body Cockpit Door Designs: Michael Cloud, John Dovey, Rolando Taguinod, Scott Kube, James Kunda, John Pechacek

Rapid Damage Detection Device and Method: James Bopp, Gary Georgeson, Jeffrey Hansen, Jeffrey Kollgaard, Scott Lea

Mixed Analog and Digital Chip-Scale Reconfigurable WDM Network: William Krug, Harold Hager, Michael Hamilton, Axel Scherer

Thrust Control Malfunction Accommodation: Grazyna Ostrom, Kevin Brown, Kenny Fung, Shahrokh Ghayem

Electro-Mechanical Damper and Method for Suppressing Pilot-Induced-Oscillation due to Control System Rate Limiting on Large Transport Aircraft: Neal Huynh

Surface Cleanliness Measurement on Metal Surfaces with Infrared Spectroscopy: Paul Shelley, Bruce Davis

Automation of Kinematic Consistency Process:
Jia Luo

Vacuum Attached Panel Trim Tool: James Buttrick Jr., Alan Merkley, Philip Wright

Shape Preserving General Hermite Parametric Curve Section for Geometric Modeling: Thomas Grandine, Thomas Hogan

Thrust Reverser Cascade Support Ring Slider Joint: Joe Sternberger, Michael Lallement

Pin Tip Sharpness Measurement Gauge: Kevin Obrachta, Robert Nelson, Richard Meusborn

Forming Method for Composites: Christopher Harris, Barry Van West, Kurtis Willden, Raymond Henderson, Gary Pfitzner, Surendra Parekh

Mechanism for High Speed Linear Displacement Measurement: Stephen Bennison, Paul Jennerjohn, Bruce Howard,Vincent Thompson

Truck Pivot Joint Bearing: Morri Montazeri


Jet Actuators for Aerodynamic Surfaces: David Domzaleski, Ahmed Hassan

Document Authoring and Approval System: Donald Bohr

Solid Model Library Tool: Anthony Tompras, Michael Herbstreit, William Macy, Edward Levinskas

Direct Manufacture of Aerospace Parts: Jeffrey DeGrange, Kevin Wannemueller, Roger Speilman, Tracy Taylor, Jeffrey Fink, Gary Bond, Daniel Bielman, Robert Willer

Sensor Unique Relative Geometry and Dial-a-Fidelity Vehicle Simulation Process: Steven Cooke

Hypersonic Aircraft and Method of Hypersonic Travel: Joseph Silkey, Phillip Smereczniak

Fast Seal: Keith Etling

System and Method Allowing for an Integrated Flight: Bruce Shimel


Enhanced/Secure Flight Deck Door: Sami Movsesian, Stephen Wiles, Behrooz Afghani, Dinanath Gharmaikar, Jerry Smets, Eisen Inouye

Stationkeeping Method Utilizing Open-Loop Thruster Pulses and Closed-Loop Authority Limited Momentum Storage Devices: Michael Barsky, Loren Slafer, Paul Williams

Active Mirror Amplifier System for High-Average Power: Jan Vetrovec

Methods and Apparatus For a Satellite Station Keeping: Bernard Anzel

Multilayer Semiconductor Structure with Phosphide- Passivated Germanium Substrate: James Ermer, Moran Haddad, Bruce Cavicchi, Nasser Karam

Low PIM Coaxial Diplexer Interface: Louis Hendrick, Robert Reynolds, Rolf Kich

High Suction Performance and Low Cost Inducer Blade Geometry: Wei-Chung Chen, Sen Meng, George Prueger

Fluid Flow Modeling System with Device Interchanging Capability: Morgan Williams

Adjustable Drilling Apparatus and Associated Method: Mahboob Alam, Chorng-Lin Guo, Thomas Whetro

Engineering Training Web Site: Douglas Buckmaster, Allan Piersol, Ernie Parziale, Ronald Johnson

Turbine Blisk Rim Friction Finger Damper: Gary Davis, Eric Krieg, Roger Berenson, Maynard Stangeland

Process Surveillance Distributed System: Christopher Moffatt

Continuous Flow Electrophoresis Apparatus:David Richman

Fuel Cell Technology:Ken Sprouse


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