Front Page
Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Special Features


Eureka!To acknowledge and encourage its engineering and scientific talent, Boeing has instituted a companywide Invention Award program that rewards outstanding innovators. Last year, the program paid $500,000 to the winners in two categories, Special Invention Awards and Exceptional Invention Award.

Special Invention Awards are given "for inventions of significant value to the company"—as technology or process breakthroughs, as products or operations, or as contributions to company financial success. From this pool of winners and from those of previous years, a single Exceptional Invention Award—the top prize for the most innovative minds at Boeing—is given each year for an invention of "unusual and outstanding merit."


A special list for 2003

Each year Boeing presents Special Invention Awards in honor of "inventions of significant value to the company." Following is the list of the 2003 Special Invention Award winners.


Prizes for excellence

Prizes for excellenceBoeing people are helping to shape professional and technical standards and build the image of Boeing as an industry leader by participating in some of the world's most prestigious professional awards programs.

"External awards programs give us opportunities to improve our professional development and provide value to Boeing by connecting with industry practitioners and peers," said Joan Robinson-Berry, Boeing deputy vice president of External Technical Affiliations. "By winning these awards our employees make a direct contribution to our reputation as a global, diverse leader in aerospace."

Many external affiliations provide opportunities for a variety of awards that can be nominated at local levels through affiliation sections and



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