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Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Special Features

The C-17 Integrated Fleet Management/AWODS Team

The C-17 Integrated Fleet Management/AWODS Team

How can we make our aircraft more reliable and more affordable? One way is to detect system faults in aircraft in flight that could otherwise lead to expensive, time-consuming diagnosis and repeat flight-testing.

Our team designed the solution for the C-17 called the Advanced Wireless Open Data System/Ground Based Reasoner. The AWODS device records and analyzes the avionics systems that route messages throughout the aircraft. The GBR is a software application that uses algorithms for fault isolation and diagnostics. The combined system tells an engineer's computer if an aircraft system is faulting and sometimes allows the engineer to be ready with a solution even before the aircraft lands.

It's an innovative approach that will lead to integrated diagnostics on the C-17. We've successfully tested the system on several production and fielded aircraft. Collaboration between C-17 Avionics Engineering, Integrated Fleet Management program and Phantom Works was the key to the success. The system's capability makes it adaptable to solutions limited only by our imaginations. One day we'd like to see it used on other Boeing aircraft. That's how we can help make Boeing an aerospace leader.

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