Front Page
Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Special Features

Our goal: recognize and inspire engineers, technologists

Jim JamiesonDear Reader:
Welcome to Challenge magazine, a supplement to Boeing Frontiers designed for the engineering and technical work force of Boeing.

Our diverse heritage and long list of achievements mirrors the history of flight, and our leadership in developing commercial and military aircraft and spacecraft helped shape life in the 20th century. Facing a host of new challenges today, we have the opportunity to lead the development of new systems and technologies that can help create a better world in the 21st century.

By combining the best talent, tools and processes from across our great enterprise and around the world, and by all working together, we can fulfill this mission of shaping a better world while pursuing our vision of global aerospace leadership.

The challenge, of course, is to leverage the best of Boeing for virtually every important project we have. And at the most fundamental level, meeting this challenge requires increased awareness of all the great talent, technologies, projects, initiatives and plans we have across the enterprise.

That's the purpose of this new Frontiers supplement, and that's why we have named it Challenge. Throughout Boeing, our engineers and technicians are working on a wide variety of projects and initiatives, expanding their knowledge, introducing innovative ideas, achieving outstanding results and learning many valuable lessons along the way.

While this important knowledge and experience is currently being shared through such channels as Boeing Technical Excellence conferences, process councils and Frontiers magazine itself, more of it needs to be shared more widely and more frequently.

This needs to be done not only to help more engineers across Boeing better meet their own technical challenges but to also help unite our technical work force into a more powerful team and provide more of its members with the recognition they justly deserve.

Accordingly, we plan to publish Challenge twice a year as a supplement to Frontiers magazine, focused on the challenges and achievements of our world-class technical work force. We hope you will enjoy the Challenge features, columns, profiles and news and, more important, be able to apply what you learn to shaping a brighter future for Boeing and the world.

If you have suggestions for future articles and improving the supplement, by the way, please send them along. Meanwhile, keep up the great work!

—Jim Jamieson
Boeing Chief Technology Officer



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